Chapter 34

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A double update?
I know right 🤧🤧🥵
Let's get on with it.


"Are you okay?" Karim slapped his cheeks lightly to get him to wake up.

He squinted his eyes from the lights but adjusted soon enough.

"What happened?" He muttered.

"A lot." Karim said stoically.

"What exactly?" Michael insisted to know.

"Well, someone tried to get Zaira. And he was shot by Marilyn. You know, the drug lord."

Karim had told him of Marilyn since he needed to be updated on everything in order to get more information.

"Yhh I remember. So where are they?"

"I don't know where the guy is. I went to get alcohol to revive you and when I came back he was gone."

"What about Marilyn?" Michael muttered.

He had a feeling where this was going.

"Gone. With Zaira. And Samia."

"What!!? And how are you calm about all this!? They have your daughter for crying out loud!?" Michael fumed.

"I've had my breakdown already. All I can think of now is getting my daughter back and I pray to God they don't touch a single atom off her body. Because then, I'd kill them myself. I don't care whatever jail I end up in." Karim breathed out through his clenched teeth.

"Don't do anything stupid. If you go to jail then what?"
"Stain your family name with the worst thing possible? She's trying to get you to hate yourself. Don't give her that satisfaction."

Karim didn't say anything. Because Michael was right.

"I just have to get her back, Michael. I don't know what I'll do if anything happened to her. Shamsiya will be so disappointed..."

"Shamsiya will be amazed, Karim. If she were alive, she'd be shocked just how well you are taking care of Samia. How much you are actually willing to do just to keep her safe."

"If there's anything I know, it's that Zaira won't look into the eyes of that little girl and hurt her. She needs her to get to you I'm sure."



"She said she'd never hurt Samia. If I listened to her demands she'd give me Samia." Karim informed her.

"And what are her demands?"

"She didn't say. But I'm expecting her to tell me them anytime soon."

And at that moment his phone rang showing an unknown number.

He picked it up and answered the call.


"Hey darling. I hope you haven't missed me yet." Zaira drawled over the line.

"Zaira! Where the hell are you? Bring me, Samia! Or I swear to God..."

"Yeah yeah, you're going to kill me, make me suffer, send me to the sandbox. We've already been through that. I didn't call for that. I need you to do just one thing."

"What?" Karim asked as Michael gave him a face.

"We're going home." She sang.

"What are you talking about?" Karim was confused.

"We're going to your house of course. Just because you know the whole deal doesn't mean we're not going back. I'm currently at the airport and you've got a few hours before our flight leaves. You best be quick about it."

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