chapter twenty-nine

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Marco's POV

Today is Sage's graduation day, after Friday she spent Saturday recovering and apologizing. Cayden and Sage were close, I mean I am glad she is making 'friends' but with my guys. Not a fan. 

Anyway, the party was set, mi amore is finally coming back. She and her family took a detour to grab something from where her brothers were staying. "Sir we need you to look over this plan" business calls, Atticus, the head of the American Mafia was not happy about us raiding his place. Also because we ended up killing one of his guys, prick is what he was.

I had to overlook the blueprints of the next place we were going to, well my men are going. This mission is just in and out they can handle it. Elijah and Will will be leading so I have no problems with this. "Enter from the side, the back and front they will expect. Go into four groups instead of two that way you have a back-up. Just in case."

The door opened, my amore was finally home. She looked around, the party was a little overboard but Emberlyn said she wasn't half-ass it so now we are here. "You like it?" she smiled "Of course my love"

After a while everything settled down, it was small but nice. It was dinner time, Sage was really happy when she heard that her mom cooked this soup. I forgot the name, but it was delicious as always.

Our families got along, Sage was nervous that her mom was going to be 'overboard'. My mom got along with Reese, Sage's mom, they were laughing. While Nicolas talked to my papa is was weird are first. My pa needed a normal friend so this was his chance, my brother talked to hers.

The blonde Luke, was a flirt, especially with Emberlyn. She just ignored him half the time. He was persistent, to say the least, but now it's toast. I wasn't bored, I was here Sage that's all I have to remember "Marco" she nudged me in the side "Speech" Fuck.

"Hello everyone, today we are here to say congratulations to Sage, mi amore, I am really proud of you and all you accomplished throughout the years. You deserve everything you have and more, I hope today was everything you wanted." she mouthed 'Thank You'.

My phone started to ring, damn. "Amore give me a minute, I have to step out" I kissed her on the head and walked outside "Speak" I heard a laugh "Marco oh how I've missed you" Atticus "Why are you calling me"

"You men are getting weaker, tch I thought you would be here to greet me." Carlos is dead there is no way Atticus let him live "I will only ask one more time what do you want" he was always like this. "Simple"

"I want you dead, but since that won't happen I want you to feel some sort of pain for killing my brother!" Ah the guy who they caught, weeks earlier. "He was your brother, pathetic" a gunshot went off "There goes the last of your men, some scrambled off" I assume he is talking about Elijah and his men running off.

"Well then we have nothing to talk about idiota" I hung up, it ran again "WHAT" it was silent "Marco, we- were ambushed, we need a group to pick us up." Damn "Stay where you are, stay hidden I will be out there" it was quiet "Carlos did he- is he dead?"

"Yes, stay there" I hung up, headed inside. Rezo rushed over "I need you to tell Matteo to find Elijah's location, take a team and get them. Carlos is dead. Also about eight with him." he nodded and headed out.

"Everything okay?" we can't do this here so I nodded. Rest of the night I've been waiting for my brother to call. Still nothing. We ended the night early. Amore said she was 'tired' really she saw that something was happening "Hey if you have to go then go. I am heading to bed" I really don't deserve her "Wait, amore it is still your day"

I had gotten her a necklace I couldn't decide "Here" it was a diamond with two circles connected "I know we haven't exactly spend a lot of time together but- I sound fucking chessy" she shook her head "What" she looked closer "I can't take this, it is too much"

"You don't like it?" and Emberyln was so sure this was the one. "I love it" women are too confusing "Then why don't you want to wear it" she cupped my face "I will wear it happy?"

"If you don't want to wear it, I don't want to force you" she laughed "I love it, I want to" she turned around, I put it on "One circle for you and one for me." I nodded that was what I was going to say.

We stood there, my phone rang again. She just nodded "Rezo" nothing "Rezo, answer" nothing. Don't tell me "Brother, we have them only six made it out, rest are dead"

I waited in my office for two fucking hours. When they got here I told everyone that was able to meet me here. All of them walked through the door injured or not. "Everyone take a seat"

"I know it's late but let me go over this, we lost ten of our men. All either dead or taken. This feud had gone on long enough, we are going to end it. In the next month, we will lay low, if they attack we will take them other than that we stay silent. We will attack in about three months. I am in touch with other people that will help, but I will not get them involved unless I need to. We have the number and the advantage. You are dismissed"

"War?" No battle, this won't be long enough for war "No, just extermination" Rezo stood there "Recruits start in a couple of weeks si?" what is he stupid "Yes, why?"

"Sage, she will be joining correct?" where is he getting at "Yes" he nodded "She will fight with us?" Hell no, out of the question "No" he shook his head "It's her choice" I walked out, turning the lights off heading to bed. Next week will not be easy.

"Hey, everything alright" I nodded "You sure about training" she nodded, I knew she would say yes "Are you planning to fight, non voglio che tu lo faccia, it's up to you" she just shrugged "I would like to, but we can discuss this another day. Take a shower"

I did, sleeping felt easy when she was with me. I laid down, she had the necklace I gave her on. She just laid in my arms, this is something I will never get used to. "Goodnight amore" I kissed her on her forehead. Her body relaxed, she was asleep. 

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