One Year Later

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Last chapter, here you go!! Thank you so much to all the amazing people who have been there since the beginning. I can't wait to start some new stories so keep an eye out for those!!! Love you all and yes, there will be an epilogue :D xx

Just for clarification, the grandmother is not Safiyana or her cousins’ grandmother. Their grandmother is the one that passed away and this one is the wife of their grandfather’s brother. Since she never had kids, she’s always treated the kids as her own

“You don’t just stop loving someone Safiyana. That isn’t love,” he sighs.

“That doesn’t answer my question,” I frown. He stands up and pulls something out of his suit before sitting down. He takes my hand and slides on the violin ring he gave me on quite possibly one of my favourite days ever.

“I’m not gonna lie, I tried. But you’re impossible not to love,” he holds my hand against his cheek.

“So what do we do now?” I ask him.

“You still want to…. to separate?”

“No,” I bite my lip.

“You don’t sound really excited about that,” he laughs sardonically.

“Ayaan, it doesn’t change the fact that you still chose the company over me. You got what you came for and it hurts to think that I’m just the spoils of war,” I snap.

“Holy shit Safiyana, you’re my wife! You’re my first priority, and you’ve always been,” he stands up and slams his hand on the bedpost. “I kept the position because I made a decision long before this shit happened. I called Afreen’s husband back when we were in the Maldives-”

“What?” I gasp.

“Let me finish first. I told him that I didn’t want to take over the company. He’s done law school. He was working his way up in firm; he is perfect for the position. And he was the rightful successor in the first place. I started working with him and we figured it all out. The night of the wedding was when I signed over the rights to him. That’s why I came to India with you. I wanted to explain everything when I was sure it was all settled. I’ve been looking at houses for us. I applied for a job with Conde Nast and got a job working with their travel photographer. We said we’d disappear from the face of the earth, didn’t we? Well, I was working on it,” he explains.

My eyes water and I just break down.

I screwed up so bad. So, so bad.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” I hide my face in my hands. “This is all my fault and instead of talking to you, I just kept running!”

“Oh God Safiyana, please don’t cry,” he wraps his arms around me and tries to quiet me down. “You were honest from the beginning, I was the one who kept secrets and got us into this,” he lets go of me and instead kneels down with his hands on my knees.

“Saf, love?” he waits till I look up before continuing. “Let’s start over. We’re only 22, InshAllah, we’ve got so many years ahead of us. Let’s just enjoy our life and worry about everything later. I love you and I never want a day to come that I don’t get to say that,” he gives me a small but hopeful smile.

In reply, I lean down and press my lips to his. 

“And when there’re dark times-” he continues but I finish for him.

“We’ll help each other through the dark,” I smile back at him wholeheartedly.

Through The Dark (Al-Ameen Family #1)- An Islamic Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now