Dubai Touring

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Sorry in advance for any innacuracies! I've been to Dubai (couple years ago though) and I LOVE it and this is all off memory so sorry if there are any inaccurate things. And dedication to Aminahs101 for the like. Enjoy! :D

Asalamualikum Abu” I sit down studiously beside him at the dining table. He replies back and sets his newspaper down. What the…….

“How are you beta?"

“I’m well Abu. Yourself?"

“I have four perfect kids. Alhamdullilah I couldn’t ask for more” he smiles slightly. My father’s face is more relaxed than I’ve seen it in the past four years. Since Bhabhi got pregnant.

“How perfect could we actually be?” I chuckle slightly. My mom looks at me in shock. I guess I should chuckle more often.

“How much trouble did you get into this time Safiyana?” Abu teases me. Mom’s eyes are going to pop out of her head and Bhabhi’s are following close behind.

Mizan walks up to his chair but freezes when he sees us father and daughter. Instantly he looks alarmed.

 “Don’t worry. I’ve paid the cops off” I joke back.

Dad laughs. He laughs. “Well you really are my daughter. That say we go on a little walk after we finish, just have a little catch up” he offers casually.

 Holy. I look to my brother and his wife in deliberation. “Actually Abu, I’m going out with everyone today too” I say slowly.

 “Oh don’t worry. You guys are leaving at nine right? Tumhare bhude abu ko thora sa time de do (Give your old father some time).”

 “Sure Abu.” I smile.

 After breakfast Abu and I head out to the backyard and started walking along the path of stones that rounded the perimeter of the property. About a twenty minute walk I’d say.

 He began with asking about my last finals and my upcoming semester. I tell him very, very little about next semester since I don’t even know if I’ll actually be alive.

 I tell him about some volunteer work Yusuf and I did last month with the immigrant Muslim community and dad agrees to donate some money to the foundation.

 And then it comes. “So beta, what’re your plans after the year ends?”

"What do you mean Abu? I still have one more year for my undergrad” I raise an eyebrow confusedly.

“Safiyana,” he stops and turns to face me. “I do hope you realize what we expect of you. After Zayed is married, it will be your turn. I’m very proud of everything you’ve done and I know you won’t disappoint us in this matter either.”

 Geez, he says it like it’s another business deal.

 “Whatever you think is right Abu” I say quietly, keeping my eyes trained on my feet. He kisses my head and pats my back before leading us the way back we came.

I don’t start a conversation with him nor does he with me. I give him a small smile and he tells me to enjoy my day before I head upstairs to my room.

I shut the door, thankful that Navsheen who I was sharing a room with was not there and slide down to the floor. My tears fall freely and I let them.

 I don’t want to get married. I can’t. I can’t spend the rest of my life with someone who I’m going to have to trust with my heart. I know my parents know this about me yet no one listens. 

I’m not even sure if that heart was still there. Ya Allah, help me. It’s all in your hands, don’t let me break.

 “Safiyana” Omar Bhai knocks on the door behind me and I quickly wipe the tears away. “We’re leaving in ten Saf, come on” he yells through the door and I hear his footsteps fade away.

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