Rooftop Tragedies

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For the record, I NEVER edit my chapters! I don't really have the time (read:sorry) so excuse any errors! Photo on side of what Safiyana makes :)

I helped Emma clean up lunch. Waseem went off to sleep since he was up all night. Emma and Liam went for a walk since the weather was cool because of the rain.

I put the last box of leftover food and head into the bedroom to check on Ayaan. “Does it hurt?” I nod towards his ankle.

“Just stinging a bit. Everyone leave?” he sets down my copy of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

I nod. “And Waseem’s asleep.”

“Are the phone lines up yet? I want to call mum,” he yawns, scratching the light stubble on his jaw.

I just noticed how odd it was to see him like this. Before we were married, I only saw Ayaan wearing suits or impeccably well dressed. Seeing him in Adidas trainers and a black t-shirt; it was odd. He looked younger, and less idealistic. He looked vulnerable even.”

“No not yet,” I answer a second too late. “I’ll call as soon as they’re up.”

Unlike what I expected, I got along so well with my mother-in-law. We talked on the phone often and she loved telling me about Ayaan’s likes and dislikes and what to do when my curry was too thin.

“What’re we gonna do all day?” I sigh in boredom, falling onto the couch.

“We can talk again,” he grins.

“Last time we talked, things got a bit more intense, let’s call it, that I needed,” I raise an eyebrow.

“Why? Catching feelings are we?” he teases.

“Wouldn’t you like that?”

“Are we scared to become human for a bit Ms. Safiyana?”

“You’re lucky you’re injured. This new ballsy Ayaan is really getting on me nerves,” I grumble.

He laughs. “It’s true. If my sister or mom saw me talking like this, they’d genuinely think I was mental.”

“You just might be,” I don’t disagree with that. A large yawn escapes me and I involuntarily lay my head on the armrest of the couch.

“How’re you still tired? Come here and sleep if you’re going to,” Ayaan says.

“No it’s okay. I’m fine here.”

“Just come Saf. You might as well get a nap in. I’ll just turn on a film.”

I’m about to protest but he gives me a look and I give in. I settle in beside him on the bed, watching as he looks through films on iTunes. I point to one and he downloads it without question.

We both relax as the old Bollywood movie begins. “I’ve seem this a million times,” I sigh in comfort. Zayed and I loved watching it.

“Billion times,” he shakes his head with a small smile on his face. I fall asleep for about fifteen minutes of the movie but then interest and nostalgia keep me glued to the laptop screen.

I hadn’t realized how close I glued to him until we both laugh at a scene. “How easy would that be eh? Just knowing who you’d end up with, no questions asked.”

“Were you always such a sap?” I taunt in good nature.

“Yup. I think seeing all the girls in my family, I learned early how much you ladies value marriage. And for good reason too. Not to mention it’s half our religion,” he points out.

Through The Dark (Al-Ameen Family #1)- An Islamic Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now