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AS ME and Gally walk to the bonfire area to the rest of the boys, I sit on a log to see Gally fighting other gladers, the boys called it 'the circle' I was fascinated.

Once he knocked down the 5th boy that night he raised up his arms in victory, "who's next!" He calls and I raise my hand up smiling.

"Greenbean, c'mon up, beware I won't take it easy on you" he says and I nod, i see all the boys looking at me cheering "GREENIE! GREENIE! GREENIE!!" Gally made the first move by charging at me.

I duck and he falls to my back, I lift him up and throw him back making him fall to the ground, I turn and look down seeing him groan.

I couldn't help but laugh, he gets up and charges at me full speed as I was near the circle edge, i move to one side, sticking my foot out and end up tripping him over.

He falls on his face outside the circle, people came up to me lifting me on their shoulders chanting "GREENIE!! GREENIE!! GREENIE!!" A voice in the back of my head speaks 'Y/n'.

All the boys let go off me and place me down "y/n" I whisper and Chuck heard me "Your name is Y/n! That's a pretty name!" He smiles and everyone claps.

Gally comes up to me patting my head "Well done greenbean, your better than the other five gladers I beat!" He laughs.

I shake my head giggling "Thanks Gal, you did great tonight! If you ever feel like rematching I'm up for it" I smile and he nods "at least she talks" a boy from the back says.

"Of course I speak" I smirk and everyone sat down, I sat by myself on a log infront of the fire, suddenly I hear a rumble coming from the walls and jump up scared.

"Relax, it's only the maze" a voice says, a boy sits next to me and I look to see it's the brown eyed boy from earlier "maze?" I question and he laughs.

"We're trapped in the centre of a maze, that person over there" he points to a boy with jet black hair "he's Minho, keeper of the runners. He goes out every morning looking for a way out" Newt explained.

I hum in respond "how long have you been looking?" I ask, the boy hesitated "3 years" my eyes widen and I cover my mouth in disbelief.

Newt goes to say something but there was a screech from the walls, i fall backwards from the log as I hear the noise echo.

The screech sounded like it was in pain I wonder what happened, I'm pulled from my thoughts by newts laughter, i look at him furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's only a griever greenie, they're creatures that run wild in the maze at night, no one has come out of the maze alive to tell their story of discovering a griever." He sighs.

He then looks at me smiling, the fire was lighting his face up as he turned my direction, you could see his eyes sparkle from the flames, I get up but instead of facing the walls I face the campfire.

I shivered as I felt the heat touch my cold skin, Newt noticed and smiled wrapping his arm around my shoulder taking a sip of some sort of liquid.

He saw me looking at it and put it in my direction "want a bit?" He asks and I look at him tilting my head "are you sure?" He nods.

I take a sip from the liquid, removing the glass from my mouth passing it to newt, then the flavour settled on my tongue, i spat it out immediately.

Newt burst out laughing "what the shuck is that!?" I ask sticking out my tongue in disgust "that's Gally's secret recipe" he laughs.

"That's horrible!" I make a dramatic 'uhh' sticking two fingers near my tongue causing Newt to laugh more.

I yawn stretching my arms in the air standing up, "I'm getting pretty tired so I'm going to head out newt" he nods "in the morning you'll be trying out jobs!" He smiles.

I wave him and the other boys goodbye they all said a mix of 'goodnight greenie' and 'goodnight y/n' I laugh and make my way to the Forest.

I climb up the ladders and stand on the small balcony for a while, I then hear a rustle from my right, I turn to see a little lizard crawl infront of me.

It was a newt, I laugh and pick it up opening my door to the treehouse, I then close it, I put the newt on my desk in a little jar.

I got out a book with plain pages, pencils, paint and other art supplies, i start sketching out the newt until I was satisfied.

I start painting the newt in different shades of Y/f/c. I was happy with my work and let it dry. I released the newt but it only wanted to stay with me.

I smiled down at the lizard and made a little bed for it, I had gotten ripped pieces of cotton to place onto a pile of sticks that I stuck together.

I then ripped a bit of fabric and laid it down on the cotton, the newt was making small jumps causing me to smile.

I put everything away and got out some glue, I stuck the bed at the side of the desk so it was next to my bed, the newt curled up into a ball then fell asleep.

I yawned turning off my light making my way to my bed, I cuddle into the sheets and fall asleep thinking to myself what I should name the lizard, I just decided to keep it easy, newt.

I shall name the newt, newt! I smiled to myself and fell asleep.

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