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WE DRIVE out the tunnel and Jorge smiles at me "hey there loca, where you been!" He says and I smirk at him "being a badass" Thomas answers for me and I shake my head.

"I'm impressed, that you guys even lasted the whole day." Jorge says, Brenda turns round to me giving me a 'why did you do that' look "hey! In my defence I was in the car first, i hid as I thought it was Vince or someone, but it's only these stupid idiots" I say.

"What do you mean you were here first?" Frypan asks "I was on the beach and saw the vehicle decided to hop in looking at the stars I guess..." I reply.

"Why were you even up love?" Newt questions but I look out the window staying silent "bad dream..." I sadly say as he and the others check my cuts.

"Why were you up, just because you knew Thomas was up to no good trying to get Minho himself, AND you were doing to leave me!" I huff crossing my arms making an angry face.

"Thanks for saving us by the way" Frypan says from the back, "your welcome" Brenda smirks "don't get your hopes up, that checkpoint back there was the city's last defence, if that was over run in guessing the city is too" Jorge says.

Newt sits me on his lap wrapping his arms around me giving me a gentle kiss, I return it and we break away after a while.

Newt looks out the window, his hair moving with the wind "what a sight" I whisper to myself, he looks at me smiling I face palm myself.

I look up and poke his cheek making his face turn out the window "yeah... unless they got some other way to keep the cranks out" he says, everyone looks out the window, Jorge slams the brakes so fast my head goes backwards then forwards making mine and Newt's head smack each other.

"Sorry..." I say as I place my hand on where I hit his head and kiss it, I climb out the window then walk forwards, i look back to Newt and see his cheeks go a light colour of red.

Once everyone was out the car we look over to the distance to see a city with giant walls protecting it, outside of it was a city of ruins, Newt pulls me backwards into him making me lean on his chest, he rests his chin on my head.

"We've spent three years trapped behind those walls trying to break out.. know we wanna break back in" Newt says holding me closer "yeah.." I chuckle "it's hilarious" Frypan says.

I look up at Newt his hair blowing in his face a little, he looked down at me smiling placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"Let's go!" Brenda says moving to the car "we'll make a plan on the way" she says, i stand my ground, so does Thomas and Newt, "beautiful isnt it..." I sigh sadly remembering everything that happened before.

Newt kisses my neck for a few seconds then makes me face him "really is.." he smirks looking into my eyes then looks at Thomas "do you really think he's in there?" Newt asks.

"Guess we'll find out." Thomas replies "she's gonna be there too..." I say smiling "I can't wait to kick her ass honestly" I only get a glare from Thomas, I hold up my hands backing away to the car.

As we make our way to the city I play with Newt's hair "What are you doing love?" He asks smiling "Your hair is so soft and poofy when the wind blows it around, I'm sure Mil-" I stop myself "OH NO I LEFT MILLY!!" I say panicking.

Newt sighs "she'll be okay love, she's in safe hands with the others" he reassured me, I feel the vehicle come to a stop.

We had arrived, we made our way down to the ruins and see a crowd of people who lived there, I cover the old bike mark on my arm, Newt pulls me in from the side.

"Stay together" Thomas says as we fight our way to the crowd, a man speaks into a device that projected in the speakers, he had people in masks on a vehicle with him.

One of the masked people catch my eye, we keep eye contact as the male passes, there was something about him.. it made me curious, I went to follow but get pulled back.

We all walk through the crowd into an alley that soon led us to a mob "oh no.." I groan "Thomas this is not what your looking for!" Jorge says calling out to the boy.

I get pushed away from the others with people barging their way through to the front "GUYS!!" I shout but they couldn't hear me, I get pushed over but someone catches me.

I look up to see the masked male from earlier, he helps me up holding onto me "who are you?" I ask as his other masked friends go towards mine.

There was an alarm of some sort being sounded making everyone go silent
"Y/N!?" I hear someone yell at the front, I jump up and down to get a better view but couldn't see them.

Machines of some sort on the wall switched on facing us all, i slowly get pulled back by the masked figure, the machines sounded like they were charging.

Before I know it explosions were going off everywhere because of the machines, people run away screaming pushing me side to side, the masked male keeps a good grip on me so I don't fall.

I then see my friends being dragged into vehicles, i go into a separate vehicle to them but Jorge and I were together, I gave him a look as if to say let's beat them up.

He nods and we travel away somewhere.

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