Chapter 1

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"Ouch," I whined, rubbing the bump on my forehead. "Nikita," I called my best friend who was sprawled carelessly on the bed. 

Nikita Bend obviously heard me but chose to ignore me; she winced and turned around, covering her ears with a pillow. 

"Nikita!" I snapped, wearing a frown. 

She groaned, muttering cuss words to herself before she succumbed to roll over again and sat up straight, pulling her knees to her chest. "What the heck is your problem?" She frowned, raised her arms above her head to stretch, yawning loudly. 

"Is the bump on my head so noticable?" I asked, rubbing the bump gently. 

She stopped yawning, fluttered her sleepy eyelashes for a while then stared at my forehead. She didn't say anything. After a few seconds, she burst into laughter, holding her stomach for support. 

"Jeez, Imogen. How the hell did it get so big?" She laughed boisterously. 

"Really? Is it that big?" My eyebrows furrowed in worry. 

"Oh, you bet your ass it is." she continued to laugh. 

A frown appeared on my face. "You're so dumb. Can't you say it in a nice way without laughing like a moron?" I hissed, turned around and headed to the vanity mirror to scrutinize the bump. "Ow, this is so bad. How do I go to work with this?" I whimpered. 

"What? You can hide it with your hair." She said. 

I pivoted so she could notice my glare. "Would that work?"

"Well… duh!" She shrugged, rolling out of the bed and slid her feet into a pair of bunny slippers by the edge of the bed. 

I twirled back to the mirror. In the best way I could, my hair brush assisted me in hiding the red bump with my shoulder-length blonde hair.

"Nikita?" I called again, whirled around to face her. 

She had taken off her nightgown, ready to go to the bathroom. "Is it better now?" I questioned hopefully. 

She peered at my forehead once more. "I guess so." She shrugged. 

"Grrrr, you're no good." I groaned. 

"I know." She giggled. "Are you seriously going to the office wearing that?" She pointed her index finger from my head to toe. 

"What's wrong with my dress?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"It's too… revealing." She squared her shoulders. "It's only a few inches below your butt and shows an indecent amount of your cleavage." 

"Duh! Kade Ricardo doesn't have a problem with it so whatever." I rolled my eyes, picked my bag from the vanity chair. "I've gotta go now, bye."

"Yeah, he's dumb. Bye." She waved. 

I held the doorknob, ready to leave but she stopped me by speaking, "you're going with Lila, right?" 

"Sure, do you need something?" I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"No," she shook her head negatively but I could sense that something was fishy. 

I squinted my eyes at her but brushed it off my mind, opened the door and left the bedroom. I hurried to the kitchen, packaged the remnant of last night's cookies into my bag then left the house. 


Lila Austin, my second best friend, and I arrived at 'RICARDO International' where I worked as the Billionaire, Kade Ricardo's secretary. It was the best thing of my life to be so fortunate to be his secretary. 

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