Chapter 62

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"Baby daddy?" It didn't take a second before my breath quickened. "Samantha? So this is the crazy redhead that's obsessed with you."

"Obsessed with him? I find that harsh but not offensive, it's okay." She nodded.

"Tell me what you mean by baby daddy?" I frowned, beginning to sweat from what she just said.

"How dare you come here?" He asked in a very intimidating voice, clenching his jaw.

"Why not? I don't think a couple of millions of dollars would be able to replace the place of a father in the lives of our children." Though she was speaking to Hames, she was smirking at me.

My legs immediately became wobbly, I lost my balance but before I could fall, I held her shoulders. "Wh–what.. what do you mean?" My voice cracked at every word, my hands that had a tight grip on her shoulders began to vibrate.

"Imogen, let's go." Hames said, fear could be read in his voice by anyone, even a baby.

"Don't." I pointed my index finger at him, my eyes burning with so much rage toward him. "Samantha, what's going on?"

"I'll start with a good introduction." She let go of the child. "I'm Samantha Blaze, and this is my 2-year-old son, Oliver Blaze— oh, sorry, Oliver Hendrix." She introduced, still having a stupid smirk on.

Her words made me feel very dizzy in an instant. My entire body was trembling, mostly my lips and hands. My soul was injected with weakness, I went totally out of breath.

"No, this can't be true." I shook my head like it was going to change everything she had just said.

"And the thing is my womb is your husband's second child, Hames can't deny it." She laughed.

Second child? Oh no, it was definitely going to be after our marriage. "Is it—"

"Yep, after you got married."

"Samantha, stop speaking!" He barked but she turned deaf ears to him, still smiling.

"Hames and I are still so much in love with each other but you're only a disturbance."

"Don't listen to anything she has to say. I swear she's crazy." He pulled me from her, holding my shoulders.

"Crazy?" I scoffed. "Please tell me everything she's saying is a lie, please." I pleaded, hoping that this was all some kind of drama or prank but he went totally silent. "Your silence tells the answer."

"I didn't cheat on you, okay?"

"Uh… you have a baby with me, after your marriage with her." She pointed out, making gestures with her fingers while my eyes had hot tears dropping from them.

"Will you just just the fuck up?!" He barked, pointing an index finger at her, the vein in his neck popped out.

"Mom, I want to pee." Oliver spoke for the first time.

"Your Dad is here, say hi to him."

I couldn't take it anymore, my poor heart was too weak to handle this so I started walking away, walking really fast.

Hames held me back, his face had softened and nothing but fear could be read on his face. "Don't make her cause a rift between us. She wants nothing but money."

"It doesn't change the fact that you have two children. You deceived me."

"Big time. He spent one month with us in Canada, just to relieve me of pregnancy stress and take care of Oliver."

"So…" I gasped. This realization made an entire building of hurt collapse on me.

"Can you just keep quiet?" He snapped at her. "Imogen, She's lying to you. I went to Canada for work."

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