Chapter 64

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"You still won't let me tell anyone you're here? This torture is killing me. Won't you at least tell Mom or Nikita?" Lila asked, finalizing her makeup.

"No, I'd let Mom and Nikita know today. Please don't let anyone know yet." I smiled at her. "By the way, you look very gorgeous."

"Thank you." She grinned.

"You're going to work? Aren't you late now?"

"No, I'm on leave again. I'm going over to my boyfriend's."

"Oh… I'd really love to see this man you and Nikita are so crazy about."

"Stupid Nikita. She keeps putting the blame on me when I've got nothing to do with her sleeping around with men." She rolled her eyes, rising from the vanity chair. 

I chuckled. "That's Nikita for you. I'll talk to her later today."

"Please do. Talk some sense into her head." 

"I'll try to." I chuckled again. "I'm going to take a stroll for relaxation." 

"You need it. Call me if there's any emergency, don't work too much, don't destroy the house, don't get too emotional, don't do anything stupid, eat well, sleep well." 

"Fine, I will, Mom." I said and she chuckled. 

She hung her bag shoulder strap over her shoulder. "Bye." She waved. 

"Bye." I waved too then she took her leave. 

A few minutes after she left, I went to the kitchen to hunt for peanut butter since I was having a mad craving for it but there wasn't any peanut butter. 

It was very frustrating to not have what I was craving for. I just had to wait till the craving ended, like I had been doing for the past few days. 

"Gosh, this is so frustrating." I groaned, and decided to cook something. 

I decided to make pancakes but everything I was doing was making me feel frustrated for no good reason. 

After arranging the utensils I needed, I couldn't find the flour. I was searching rigorously till I found it on the cupboard. 

I tried to take the flour from the cupboard but it was too high and I had to stand on a stool. The stupid thing wasn't covered so the flour poured on my entire body. 

"No, no, no!" I whined, muttering cuss words to myself.

Jeez, I had to take another bath. I felt like crying over it. 

Nevertheless, I left for the bathroom for another long bath. 

My mind kept traveling to Hames, no matter how hard I tried not to. I was constantly remembering his touch, sweet words, but after remembering that he betrayed and deceived me, I became very infuriated, feeling the need to whack his head multiple times. 

After my bath, I returned to the bedroom with a towel around me. Getting rid of the towel to wear new clothes, I flinched when the door opened. 

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