Chapter 29

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"Hi, guys." I grinned, waving. I just started a video call with Nikita and Lila. 

"Babe," Nikita said boringly.

"Imogen, how are you?" Lila beamed. 

"You called today? What a surprise!" Nikita said, throwing a handful chips into her mouth. 

"Indeed a surprise. Is there any special occasion going on? Did you wake up to the wrong side of the morning?" 

"No, guys. I called to say 'hi' to you, together." I 

"Dummy." Nikita said for no good reason. "How are you spending time with your boyfriend over there?" She winked. 

"Boyfriend? What Boyfriend?"

"Your boss, Hames. You're viral on the internet, baby. Let your followers know I'm your best friend so they can follow me too to check out my cool ass." She smiled smugly. 

Lila rolled her eyes. "Is it true? Are you dating him now? So soon?"

"Ew, no way!" I furrowed my forehead. 

"Why not? The internet says you are." Nikita drew her eyes in askance, "are you lying to us?"

"You don't have to believe everything you see on the internet." Lila frowned. 

"Why not?" She frowned too.

"Because not everything on the internet is true." 

"How would you know?" 

Lila scoffed. "Imogen, please speak." 

"Hames isn't my boyfriend. I don't know who the hell spread the news on the internet." 

"In the video, Hames called you his girlfriend." Nikita raised an eyebrow. "And romantic photos of the both of you. I don't believe it's not true." 

"It isn't. It's all a long story but that's not my concern right now. I have a higher issue to discuss." 

"Ah! I knew it! You won't call if you don't have a problem." Lila said, sitting up. 

"Not true."

"True." Nikita retorted. 

"Be quiet and listen to me." I groaned, throwing my head back in frustration. 

"Fine, what's your problem?" Lila asked with a sigh. 

I glanced at my room from the balcony I was, feeling like Hames was going to barge in anytime soon and force me to be his girlfriend or something. I knew that wasn't possible but there were no limits to imaginations. 

I returned my gaze to the laptop screen. "It's my boss. Yesterday, he asked me to go over to Kade's hotel room to grab some files. While I was about to leave, I realized the door was locked from the outside. I wondered how and why."

"Whoa, interesting." Nikita threw another handful of chips into her mouth. 

"I was stuck in there for almost 10 hours till Kade and Jovi finally returned." 

"Stupid Jovi." Lila spat. 

I chose to ignore that. "I returned to our Presidential suite. There were candles, balloons and roses everywhere. It suddenly went dark… blah blah blah… Hames confessed he has been in love with me for two years, that's why he requested for Kade to transfer me to him." 

"Oh gosh." Nikita's mouth went agape. 

"Oh my God, I knew it! I told you, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." I rolled my eyes. 

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