Part 4

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Damian could feel his Angel's emotions spiking. "Kent, I need to take care of something. Will you cover for me?"

"You said you needed to get a book from the library, right?" Jon asked in a tone that was slightly louder than normal.

Damian gave him a slight nod of acknowledgement. "Yeah. It's for my French class."

"I see. Later."


Damian left the classroom and walked quickly in the direction of the library. It was almost three, and he was hoping he could get whatever was going on with Angel handled before school got out.

As soon as he sat down in one of the reading chairs, the young man slipped into the trance-like state he typically used to talk to Angel. Angel, what's going on? He asked telepathically.

"Liar-la came up,with a new lie about me. Not to mention the one about Chloe and Adrian!"

Angel, I can feel your frustration, but you need to keep it under control. If the emotional terrorist gets you, it's game over.

"I know. She just irritates me so much sometimes. She said that Chloe was paying Adrian to pretend to be her soulmate, and even though their soul mark is completely obvious, everyone believed her anyway! It makes me so mad!"

What did she say about you, Angel?

"Oh, nothing major. I was bullying her about something and she somehow got physically injured in the process. You know, the usual, Demon."

Don't go numb to the effects of Liar-la bullying you. It's okay to be mad for your friends, but save some of that emotion to use on your own behalf.

"Ok. I'll talk to you later, Demon. Thank you for being there for me."

Always, Angel. Always. Damian easily shook himself out of his trance and stood. Glancing at his watch, he saw that school was going to get out in five minutes.

He slowly walked back to class to collect his things, which he had entrusted to Jon. The black-haired boy realized that he hadn't asked her if she'd won the essay competition when he was halfway back to class. He considered going back and asking her, but decided against it. He could ask next time they talked.

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