Part 7

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"Angel?" Marinette turned at the sound of her soulmate's voice behind her. The younger of the two men was standing there, surprise written on his face.

"Demon?" she asked. "I should have known you had a hand in this. So, Wayne Enterprises, eh?"

He smiled slightly. "I actually had no power over which class came. It is an exceedingly delightful surprise that it was your class that was chosen."

"I'm Marinette. Though if you want to continue what nicknames, that's fine."

"Well Marinette, I'm Damian. It's nice to finally meet you in person. I'm honored to have such a lovely soulmate as yourself."

Marinette blushed at his sweet words. "Thank you. You know, you're not bad looking yourself."

Chloe and Adrian, having come to an agreement on the best way to kill Lila, suddenly realized that Marinette wasn't standing next to them anymore. They looked around frantically until they noticed that she was behind them talking to the young man that came in with Richard Grayson.

"Mari-bug, don't scare us like that!" Chloe said, marching up to her. "We thought that Lila and her cronies had gotten their claws on you!"

Marinette winced. "Sorry, guys. I was less than 6-feet away from you though. Damian, this is Chloe and her soulmate, Adrian. Chloe, Adrian, meet Damian."

Chloe's eyes narrowed as she studied him. Adrian however gave him a once over then turned to watch the class. "We need to go over there and see what lies Lila is sprouting now. She's probably still talking about how close she is with the Waynes," Adrian said, glancing back at Damian who looked like he was holding back a laugh.

Mari glanced between the two but disregarded their exchange of looks. "We should. We need to leave soon anyway," she replied. I wish Luka and Kagami were here. The bluenette thought.

"So do I, Angel. Even though I've never met them. From what you've told me, they're good people. You trust them," her soulmate responded.

Marinette jumped. She hadn't meant to project that thought and she'd never projected without speaking or meditating. She told Damian as much and he said that he hadn't either. The young man stopped for a moment and Mari stopped with him.

"What if the connection is stronger because we've met each other?"

That would make sense. We can talk more later. People are looking at us funny. Damian nodded to her and they continued over to the class. The man that Chloe and Adrian had said was Richard Grayson gave Damian a look and the man in question rolled his eyes.

"Oh, my Damiboo is just the sweetest! I'm so happy he arranged this trip for us! He's just the kindest person I've ever met!"

Alya looked at Lila quizzically. "Who's your Damiboo?"

"Damian Wayne, of course! We've known each other since we were five! He's also my soulmate!"

Damian started coughing.

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