Part 19

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This picks up where Part 18 left off.

Scarlette Guardian froze at Robin's words. She turned to meet his eyes. "What would the League do if they knew that the Order had been reborn?" she asked him through their bond.

They would attack. The League has been trying to take down the Order since its creation. If the Order is weak, it would go under in a heartbeat. The League has been training a great deal in case the Order made a comeback. Was Robin's reply.

Scarlette sighed. "Suggest we go back to the Batcave. There are too many eyes and ears here. A congregation of vigilantes on the roof of the wealthiest company in America would raise many suspicions."

Robin glanced around and noticed that all of his family was visible. It was very likely that someone would notice all of them standing on the rooftop with three unknown masked people. They would either call the police or write a tabloid article about Bats picking up more strays.

So, he suggested that they go back to the Cave. Naturally, most of the Bats disapproved of that idea. Actually, all of them did. They said it was too likely to reveal their secret identities. Thus, they were all surprised when the comms crackled and Agent A's voice came through.

"That is a splendid idea, Robin. I look forward to meeting you three miraculous holders when you arrive."

The rest of the family was clearly still hesitant to let the three into their inner sanctum, but no one disobeyed Agent A. Robin could easily tell why they were reluctant so he reconnected his mind to Scarlette Guardian's. Do you have some sort of miraculous magic you can use to get to the Cave?

The spotted heroine saw what he was getting at and nodded. Pulling a pair of glasses out of her yoyo, she put them on. She muttered a couple of words and her suit's pattern changed. "We can open a portal there if you would like. We know how difficult it can be to trust others with your secrets."

Batman looked at her suspiciously. "Can you open the portal without knowing the location of the Cave?"

The three nodded in sync. "She just has to think of the name of the place we are going and the portal will take us there," replied Chat Noir, newly christened as Panther.

"You should all get going. We'll meet you there," Honey Bee, formerly known as Empress, told them. Batman's former sidekicks heeded her words and disappeared from the roof one by one until only Batman and Robin were left. Robin nodded to Scarlette Guardian.

A portal opened as the girl called out the name of the power, "Voyage!"

"I'll meet you back at the Cave, Batman," Robin announced before walking through the portal. The only one not surprised by this turn of events was a certain spotted heroine. When asked why she wasn't surprised, she shrugged and said,

"He's Robin. Why would I be surprised? He loves being unpredictable, and that's part of what's kept him alive up till now. Now, through the portal, both of you." She directed the last sentence of her answer at her teammates as she pushed them through the portal. "We'll see you at the Cave, Batman."

With those words, she followed Robin, Panther, and Honey Bee through the portal into the Batcave. Thus leaving the Dark Knight once again alone on the dark streets of Gotham.

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