Part 18

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Ladybug smiled at the gathered heroes. "Let's start with introductions. My name is Ladybug, and these are two of my teammates. She's Empress, and he's Chat Noir. We're based in Paris and have two more teammates, Cobra and Draco. They stayed back to defend the city."

By the time she had finished speaking, everyone else had snapped out of their shock. "I'm Batman. These are my associates, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, Batwoman, and Batgirl. Now, first order of business, why are you three in my city?"

"Before we start, Black Bat, you can come out. Robin, do you have what I asked you to bring?" Ladybug inquired. Robin reached into a pocket of his tool belt and pulled out three earpiece communicators. He handed them to Ladybug who took one before passing the others to her teammates.

"Agent A, Oracle, I am Ladybug. My team and I are here because of intel Robin and I have shared with each other. My team's enemy has partnered up with some of yours, or is likely to. We are the only ones equipped to deal with our enemy, so we came here to assist you. While we are here though, we will need different names so that no one realizes that we are here," Ladybug explained. "I will be Scarlette Guardian, Empress will be Honey Bee, and Chat Noir shall be Panther."

While Ladybug had been talking, Black Bat stepped out of the shadows. She walked up to the spotted heroine and held her hand out. Ladybug took it, and wasn't at all surprised when the other girl flipped her over her shoulder. So she landed in a crouch and attempted to swipe Black Bat's feet out from under her.

The other heroine jumped over Ladybug's leg, landing in a defensive pose. "Who taught you how to fight?" she asked, launching a flurry of kicks at the Parisian heroine.

The bluenette blocked each of the other's kicks and retaliated with a few of her own. "If you'd believe it, I'm mostly self taught. If not, Wang Fu was technically my master, but he didn't do much for me."

Black Bat paused. "Wang Fu, member of the Order of the Guardians, Guardian of the Zodiac Box, the one who brought about the downfall of the Order?"

The newly dubbed Scarlette Guardian nodded. "Do you know him? Or well, did you? His memories were erased at the Battle of the Miraculous."

Robin spoke. "No, but all associated or formerly associated with the League of Assassins knows of him. They respect him for single handedly bringing about the fall of the Order of the Guardians."

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