Part 7. Burgers and Beer

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AFTER A HOT SHOWER, I GOT DRESSED AND waited on Dini to finish her episode of Gilmore Girls before she got changed into normal clothes.

We walked out to the hall and saw Doug coming out of his room dressed in a Pink Floyd shirt and blue jeans; I rolled my eyes as he walked toward us and took in how we were both dressed.

Dini was in flip-flops, shorts, and a pink tank top, I, however, was in a black Mötley Crüe tank and blue jeans, my converse on my feet. Normal wear for me.

Doug pointed a finger at his sister, "You need to dress better," he said, then gave me a thumb up to how I was dressed.

Dini rolled her eyes, "Just because it's called The Hard Rock Cafe doesn't mean you need to wear an actual music shirt of any kind to go," she told us.

Doug and I looked at each other open-mouthed before looking at Dini.

"You live life, your way, sis. We will live it ours," Doug told her, putting a hand to his heart as if she had broken it with words. Dini just shook her head as Zeke came out of his room down the hall and Sawyer rounded the corner.

Dini took that as her chance to groan, "Why am I on the same floor as four metalheads?" she complained when she saw Sawyer's shirt which was a Def Leppard one, meanwhile Zeke had on a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt.

Zeke smirked "Actually, Lynyrd Skynyrd was southern-rock." he pointed out which only made her glare at him.

"Come on, we got to get to the Hard Rock before they fill up," I said, starting to walk towards the elevators. I pressed the button as Dini walked up beside me and grinned.

"Don't look now, but some guy is checking out your ass."

I glared at her whisper before sneaking a peek back at Sawyer. Sure enough, she was right. Damn, I hate when she is right. The elevator door opened, and we stepped in, a little crowded, they squashed me between Dini and Sawyer.

And I mean squished right up next to them.

Sawyer couldn't put his arm to his side, so he put it on the rail behind me, I felt a little awkward as the elevator moved; I stepped on Dini's foot as I tried to move away from being squished up against Sawyer.

Dini laughed, "Quit stepping on me," she said, almost being elbowed by Zeke as she moved around. We squashed Doug into a corner, and he was getting angry.

"They need to make these elevators for over three people."

"It has a certain weight limit on it, Dougie, and your dumbass puts it over the limit," Dini told her brother, who slapped the back of her head for the comment.

I just rolled my eyes at the two, "Will you two stop until we reach the main floor? I don't want any movement on this thing," I said as we passed the fifth floor. Sawyer moved a bit and his arm brushed my side, I looked up at him.

He winced, "Sorry," he mumbled.

"Quit saying you are sorry every single time you touch me. It makes me feel like you don't like me," I joked. It made him smile as we passed the second floor and finally landed on the main floor.

Doug and Zeke were the first two out, I followed out behind Dini with Sawyer right behind me.

I wrapped my hands around my Crossbody purse as we walked out to the vehicles, Dini unlocked her Jeep and we opened the doors to get in. Doug, unfortunately, walked to the back seat of her Jeep, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

He smiled at his sister, "Why waste gas? We can take the same vehicle," he told her, getting into the back seat before she could argue. She looked at me and scowled before getting in. The other two guys got in the back with Doug and I got in the passenger side.

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