Part 3. Doug's Friends

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The Resorts bar smelled like chilli cheese fries and alcohol. It made my mouth water as we exited the elevator and strolled through the dancing bodies around us, I followed Dini as we made our way through the crowded area toward the bar.

Dini ordered a beverage mixed with vodka straight off the bat, meanwhile, I just ordered a simple Pina Colada. It would probably take me an hour to drink it since I wasn't as much of a drinker as Dini.

As I twisted around to face the dancing humans, I spotted the elderly couple that had glanced out their door earlier wondering about the alarm; they were dancing and getting down. It made me smile to catch that.

An elderly couple dancing, it wasn't often nowadays that an elderly couple was seen together doing stuff, usually, they part ways. It was nice to witness a couple smiling and laughing together.

But that led my thoughts back to Will.

Nearly six years together and the past year in which our relationship had been hell, sometimes I can't understand how I had stayed with him. The first time he cheated on me, it was a shock, I did not understand how he could cheat on me. I had been faithful to him, loyal even. It hurt like hell to walk away from him, after five years of being a couple. But it had to be done.

As far as I care, he no longer exists.

Dinah glanced over at me and smacked the back of my hand as the bartender handed us our drinks. "You better not be thinking about him." It was a warning, I knew that for sure, I sighed as I looked away from her and sipped my drink.

"I'm not."


"Whatever" I shot back as we made our way round the dancing people and toward a deck that set up a little higher, we sat down in the patio table chairs and set our drinks down before us. Dinah looked around the bar.

"Do you ever wish for something like that?" I gestured toward the elderly couple "A lasting relationship. With that one person that makes your pulse race so fast you think that you are about to pass out. Just one person to steal away your heart and soul, and tie it with their own?" my voice came out as if I were dreaming, watching the old couple walk away.

Dini frowned as she watched what I was looking at. "Love isn't for me, Lil. You know this. After the last guy broke my heart, I would rather just stick with one-night stands." As I said nothing, she remained silent for about a minute then tried to perk me up.

She smiled as she looked at me, "Wanna dance? I can get us a couple of guys," she offered, staring at a few guys at the bar before switching her gaze to the dance floor. I cast my eyes at my twenty-two-year-old cousin and waved my hand at her.

"Go ahead. Go flirt with him. I'll be fine."

Dinah bit her lip as she stared at the bar, then she stared toward me putting her hand on my arm, her best friend bracelet digging into my arm. We have had those since we were kids. "Are you sure?"

I nodded and created a 'shoo' motion with my hands, "Go. I'm hoping this is the captain put in my drink. Because I am going to set sail," I told her, taking another swallow of my Piña Colada.

She smiled and grabbed her drink before carrying off to the bar, I watched as she 'accidentally' bumped into the guy and brushed her shoulder into his. It made me laugh a bit and shake my head as I kicked my feet up onto her vacant chair and held my glass in my hands.

I gazed down at it as if lost in a trance.

Thoughts of starting back to college entered my mind, I will have to face Will daily, and be reminded of the heartache he has caused me. Is college worth that? Perhaps I should seek classes online. Then I could be home with my parents and see Dini daily instead of being so far away from everyone.

By The Beach ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz