Part 6. Hard Rock

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OKAY, SO MAYBE I WASN'T AS WORTHY OF A surfer as I had imagined I was.

I wiped out before Sawyer, who did amazingly well for someone who 'sucks at surfing' in his words. I reckon I was paying for dinner tonight.

I towel dried my hair with my beach towel as Sawyer shook his hair, dropping water on Dini and the guys. He looked down at me with a grin. His muscles weren't as glorious as most of the guys I know, my cousin himself was athletic, but Sawyer could show off well.

Chest hair, a shark tooth necklace hanging around his neck, a cross tattoo on the inside of his arm, and that award-winning sweet smile could steal any girl's heart.

No wonder every girl on the beach was gazing over here, drooling.

I put my beach towel in my beach chair and slid on my sandals. "You know, for a guy that sucks at surfing you did decently," I told him with a raised eyebrow.

He set his fists on his hips as he surveyed me "If you are saying that I lied about surfing, I didn't. I did suck at it, but when I was younger, I rocked at it," he pronounced, causing me to smirk.

He was unique, that's for certain.

I grabbed my surfboard and eyed Dini "I'm gonna go throw this back to the rental guy", I told her, she was sitting on her beach towel, eating caramel M&M's, and drinking a cherry slushy. She waved me off and I started going to the rental shack.

I probably am going to hurl it at the perverted rental guy.

Sawyer was right behind me with his surfboard, he smiled as he got up to me. I looked over at him and he just smiled.

"I can do this myself, you know."

"No, you can't. It isn't fitting for a pretty girl to be walking alone on a beach, some weirdo might come up and try to snatch you."

Somehow that made me laugh.

"Like you tried to last night?" I questioned as we reached the rental shack. He opened and closed his mouth for a moment, which made me laugh more.

"Alright. I'll let you have this war, the next one I get to win." We walked up to the counter to return our boards, the former man was there again.

And staring at my chest.

I frowned "Excuse me?" I said, catching him by surprise, I raised an eyebrow "Look at my eyes, not below them. If you don't mind." Sawyer was chuckling next to me as I handed over my board, "We came to return these."

The old man grinned, showing yellowing teeth, "The later rental can be complimentary if you are willing to give a ... payment", he articulated, this caught Sawyer's attention.

Sawyer went in front of me and shoved his surfboard at the man "No. She isn't. Now get the boards and stick them back there behind you, or I will happily shove them somewhere else," he snapped, making the old man shut up and take the boards.

I will admit, that bit was a little awkward for me.

Sawyer turned around and caught me by the hand, pulling me away from the pervert. I passed a half-smile up at him, "Thanks for that. But, I could have handled myself" I stated as we reach a shade under trees, halfway toward our group. He stopped moving and looked downwards at me.

"I'm sorry. I- Men like that bug me, pervert assholes who believe every woman in the world is just a piece of ass," he said, saying what was on his mind, he ran his other hand through his hair and gave me a slight smile. "I'm sorry."

Maybe Sawyer isn't that bad. He was only trying to impress me last night, which I find kind of strange, and now he merely took up for me against a creep. It made me smile up at him.

"Don't worry about it, you thought you were doing the proper thing. And honest, most men wouldn't take up for a woman," I said as I looked towards our group, "A real man does take up for a woman who is being harassed or talked dirty to." Unlike Will.

That was when I realized he was still holding my hand, I looked down at our entwined hands and back up at him with a raised eyebrow. He then noticed and said "Oh" before letting go of my hand and sliding a hand down his hair, he sent me a shy grin.

The warmness of his hand was still there.

We went back down to the group who was packing up and I got out my swimsuit cover-up, wrapping it around my waist before grabbing my beach bag.

"So, where do we eat tonight?" Doug asked as we five made our way up the narrow sandy hill to our cars, I shrugged as I glanced to Dini who was still drinking her slushy.

She frowned as she thought for a minute "Hard Rock Cafe? It has been a while since we have gone to eat there," she told Doug, who nodded with a grin.

Then, he looked at me, "Why not? Lily is paying for food tonight, right?" He teased, getting the group to laugh and causing me to roll my eyes.

"Whatever. But remember, I still surf better than your clumsy ass."

Dini laughed as she glanced at her brother who glared at me, we reached Dini's Jeep, and she unlocked the doors. I dropped my bag in the back seat and closed the door before looking over at the guys who were two cars down from us.

"The last one to get it back to the hotel pays for desserts!" I shouted as Dini started the car. I jumped in, and she put the car in reverse just as the guys were throwing their bags into their truck.

Dini and I laughed as we got a head start to the hotel.

As soon as we arrived at the hotel we got our bags out and headed inside with no sight of the guys yet, Dini got an idea and went up to the counter where the same blonde from yesterday stood.

Dini smiled sweetly "Hi again! I was wondering, you see, my brother is going to come through that door at any moment-" she pointed back at the door with her thumb "- Doug Patton? I was wondering if you could give him a note?" She asked, grabbing a notepad from the counter and a pen, she started to write a message to the boys.

'We would wait on you guys, but we went to prepare for dinner! Also, we want the most expensive dessert tonight - Dini & Lil.'

She passed the note over to the woman who smiled at us as she took it. "I know what it is like to have an annoying brother. I will hand it to him as soon as he walks in," she said, Dini sent her a smile and a thumbs-up as we walked to the elevators.

She pushed the button, "Doug is going to be pissed. But, I don't think you should be stuck buying everything," she told me as we got in the elevator, and she pressed the floor number.

I laughed, "He is gonna hate us."

But, he will get over it. Eventually.

(A Cute Moment plus a race to the hotel. I loved writing this!

Question of the day: What is your favorite- Night or Day- During the Summer? My Answer: Night. What's Yours? <3- Love, Lee Edited on 1/14/21)

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