Part 14. Date

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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I looked up from my phone, which I was looking at pictures of my college friends, who were on vacation, Dinah came over and grabbed my phone out of my hands before hitting the power button.

"Dinah! I need that" I said in disbelief as she threw my phone at her purse and crossed her arms.

"No, you don't. A message from Will could come through at any second during your date and I don't need you to worry about him or anything else. I want you to have a good time," she told me as I tied my red and white converse, and stood up from the bed giving a disapproving look towards my cousin.

"But what if I run into a serial killer? I get kidnapped or something happens?"

"Then you have Sawyer to protect you. I'm being serious, Lily, go have a good time with a nice hot guy," she told me, annoyed as she grinned at me and turned to her makeup bag for a minute.

I was dressed in the knee-length skirt and black skin-tight tank top that was uncomfortable but she let me put on leggings under the skirt so I would be more satisfied with how she had me dressed, I had on my shoes, my hair was up in a ponytail and I felt nervous as my cousin approached me with pink lipstick.

"You are not putting that stuff on my face," I told her as she took the lid off of it and came near, I put my hand up to stop her and she pushed my hands down with a glare.

"Quit fighting me, I'm trying to help." I tried my best but somehow someway she had put the pink lip stuff on me which I hated. I hated lipstick like I hated anything else, it made my lips feel weird.

I tried to rub it off with my hand as quickly as possible but a knock came on the door and Dini smiled at me "Wow. It's about time" she joked, making me sigh as I grabbed my purse off of the bed and walked towards the door.

When Dinah opened it I was greeted with Sawyer holding a single red rose, he looked as uncertain as I had yesterday when I had brought his clothes back to him. Dinah was bouncing up and down behind me which only made me want to smack her as Sawyer held out the rose.

"For you. I wasn't sure what your favorite flower is" he said, scratching the back of his neck.

A smile lit up my face as I took it from him and admired it for a second. I let my gaze fall over the rose, which was a nice thought, as I looked back up at him "I've never been given flowers before" I admitted as I handed it to Dinah who went to find something to put it in, I stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind me.

Sawyer looked confused "Aren't you going to say good-bye to Dinah?" he questioned as I grabbed his arm and pulled him down the hall, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Trust me when I say that if we don't leave now, we never will." Dini was more of a talker than her brother, and sometimes it is known to get on people's nerves. I don't want her to run Sawyer off by running her big fat mouth.

We walked into the elevator and he pressed the button to the first floor, I crossed my arms as I leaned back against the rail and the elevator started to move.

What am I doing? I don't even know if I'm ready for this, I thought as I looked over at Sawyer who was staring at the floor looking like he was lost in his thoughts himself. Maybe he feels the same way? That thought kind of depressed me as the elevator stopped and we stepped out.

We see the same family from the night I had walked back to the hotel from the club, I sent a wave to the woman and man who huffed before getting on the elevators. I heard the word "Whore" before the doors closed causing Sawyer to look concerned. I just sighed and shook my head.

"Trust me, lady, you're calling the wrong one a whore," I mumbled thinking back to Dinah who said she was gonna hit the bars while I was out. I heard Sawyer chuckling which made me raise an eyebrow at him.

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