The Wandering Inn

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One thing you should know about me is that I love recommending things to my friends. Whether that's a new no-one-knows-about song I found, movies I adored watching, or books I couldn't put down and had to share (just see my reading lists lol), I find joy in bringing these new things to people and sharing it as it's quality deserves.

So, now, this web novel I've been reading goes beyond any story I've read before in how entertaining and page-turning it is, so full of wonder, and I'm sharing it because I just genuinely love it.

The Wandering Inn is a fantasy LitRPG web novel (sounds confusing dunnit XD) that revolves around a girl, or a badass young woman as I see it, as she's dropped into a fantasy world (or in this case, somehow takes a very wrong turn for the bathroom and accidentally steps into one, as you do) and now has to navigate how to survive in a crazy world with goblins, monsters, adventurers and mages. So she chooses to be an [Innkeeper]. Go figure.

It's funny, magical, and absurd, with aspects like classes and levels that should belong in video games, but also a surprisingly realistic take on how someone would react to finding themselves in a fantasy world, and it's refreshing to see.

I think I could go on and on about the amazingly fleshed-out characters and character developments, brilliant world-building and thoughtful storytelling, but I wanna let you find that out for yourself because it is quite worth it.

It's not a Wattpad book, but the story is so big and its world so vast it needs its own website!! So venture! Stepping out of the wattpad bubble is good sometimes, even though it's quite comfy 😉

You can find the story at Just pop on over, go on, I know you're curiouusss.

If you do start the web novel, or enjoy it, or have even been reading it already, leave a comment here! Or dm me! Let's start a discussion so I can fangirl over it :3

Honestly, I have nothing but tremendous respect for the author and her skill in writing, a level which I probably will never meet, but stories like these are hard to find! And I just wanna do her a service - and you all - and bring you a story that's worthy of attention.

So head over to and check it out! Or head to my profile, I've put a link in the bio. You probably won't regret it ;)

Kay, love y'all! See yaaah bubs!

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