Chapter 35: Conversations

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"You can tell us, (Y/N)-chan, our mouths are sewn shut." Shinobu winked at her.

Her pale face colored itself red as she looked down at her lap, smiling nervously.

"I... I think I fancy Giyuu."

It has been three weeks since then, a whole month from Yoshiwara has already passed... She sometimes wished she could turn back time and never realize that Tomioka was more than a friend to her. Suddenly, she seemed to notice everything about him and the more time she spent with him, the deeper she fell down the rabbit hole. The way his eyes would look up at the sky and turn a little bit lighter, reflecting the azure sea with cloudy ships above them, the way he would smile at her sometimes, but only when no one else was around... since she was the only one who was allowed to see it, it made her feel special.

She didn't want to go down that road but she couldn't stop herself, tumbling along the way that attempted to give her hope. But she knew that it was all a lie she kept on telling herself. They were friends, nothing more, and it would stay that way. He was human, she wasn't, and that was all there was to it. She had no chance with an amazing man like him and even if he, by some kind of a miracle, felt the same, it still could never work. He would continue getting older and by the time he was on his deathbed, she would have barely aged a day. And then, she would be forced to live in a world without him after experiencing all the joys of life. No matter how desperately she would want it, nothing could change the fact that she would outlive him by decades if not centuries.

(Y/N) sighed, running her fingers through her (H/C) tresses and looking back up from the wooden surface of the table she was sitting at. The Sound Pillar in front of her had a quizically raised eyebrow, silently telling her that he knew something was wrong. Among the whole Demon Slayer corps, Uzui was probably the person closest to her aside from Giyuu. It might have been Shinobu at one point but soon enough, the albino became someone in whom she could always confide, even during her time as 'Hakumei'. She didn't know how he did it, but in a short span of time he took the position of her best friend after Kyojuro was gone.

"You know, Uzui, I do not think I understand humans all that well after all..." she sighed again, this time even heavier.

The man took a sip from his cup of sake and slid a whole bottle to her across the table. The witch wasted no time in pouring herself more and downing a whole cup before looking at him again. They were down in the town, sitting in their favorite bar, since Tengen noticed she was a bit stressed lately and suggested letting off some steam.

"You've been saying that for the last hour, just differently formulated. What's bothering ya, my flamboyant friend?" he asked, cheeks a little flushed from the alcohol.

"I- I just... Shinobu and Mitsuri made me join their so called girl's night and we ended up... talking..."

"Well, that's what women do at those kinds of events, or so I've heard." stated Uzui while pouring her another cup.

"But you fail to understand!" she pointed at him in frustration, "I said something that made me realize something else and now I cannot get it out of my head!"

The man just tilted his head with an eyebrow still raised.

"What did ya say?" he asked curiously when she didn't show any signs of explaining herself.

She wasn't planning to tell him, she really wasn't, but the words fell out of her mouth before she could stop them.

"That I fancy Giyuu."

Her eyes widened, hand flying to cover her mouth as she realized what she just did. Uzui didn't look much better, red eyes at the size of dinner plates staring at her incredulously before a sparkle of realization ignited in them. His mouth stretched into a mishievous grin and soon, he was laughing.

The Blacksmith's daugther was a witch (Tomioka Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now