Chapter 6: Faceless (part 2)

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There she took some old clothes no one would miss or even notice that they were gone, a hammer and a nichirin dagger that she's made herself without her father knowing.

Yes, her father, the only person she would regret leaving behind. He didn't think that she was a witch, he still loved her... but it was too late for that. She got dressed and set off to a lonely mountain. She has visited it countless times before and knew that there were demon repelling wisterias growing on most of it. Even better, the bloomed all year around.

Kii was going to start a new life there, researching the blue spider lily, forging swords and living away from people. And still... she hated the idea of living like that forever.

Many years have passed since then. Kii has lived on the lonely mountain for a few decades now and every once in a while she came down to check on her beloved father. It pained her heart greatly that she couldn't comfort him after he found out she was 'dead' and just had to watch him quietly suffer... But she knew it was for the best.

The one thing twhich suprised Kii the most after her staged death was the fact, that the villagers were still convinced she was alive somewhere, lurking in the shadows and waiting to strike. It was quite strange that they didn't want to proclaim her gone... Then again, they weren't completely wrong.

During her days on the mountain she managed to build herself a small house and a forge next to it so she could continue with her father's legacy. It wasn't much and it was quite pointless as no one would ever come to her to actually get a sword or anything she's made but she loved it none the less.

The blacksmith's daughter also encountered demons in the forest below the wisteria border. Most of them were just bloodthirsty monsters that tried to eat her and she had to cut them down but some were rather interesting. And so, since they were the only ones that were willing to talk to her, even if their objective was only to lure her out from below the wisteria trees, she spent countless nights conversing with them. She wouldn't call them her friends, no, but they were the only company she had left.

But demons always left after a while when they learned that the girl just wouldn't come out from her safe space. She wasn't naive, she knew they only wanted to eat her. So they never stayed for long and Kii was growing lonelier every passing day. The truth is, they couldn't kill her, but she would never let them figure that out. It would be too dangerous if some upper demons were to hear of it.

During those late night talks, she has learned a lot about demons. Most of them lost their memories of being human and didn't even care about them anymore. Maybe, just maybe, if she could cure them from being demon, it would all come back! And so the witch started working on creating an antidote to being a demon...

She never found it, it just didn't work. She only discovered the reason why she didn't turn into a demon herself when she consumed the medicine she's made. It only worked that way because she drunk it along with an antidote to the side effects. But if there was no antidote at the time of the turn, nothing would work to get the poison out of their body. Her medicines all worked like that, she mixed the blue spider lily with some other herbs and the human flesh carving side effects and many more would be negated before they could even take effect.

And so she was alone once again, aware of the fact that she couldn't even save the miserable beings called demons. She couldn't save anyone.


One day Kii came down from the mountain to check on her father. Nothing could have prepared her for the sight of his house, eerily quiet and empty. But Riku never left his home like that, he would always get someone to watch over it for him... The gate leading to the garden creaked and her head snapped after the sound.

The Blacksmith's daugther was a witch (Tomioka Giyuu x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon