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Nicholas's P.O.V

I aggressively opened the millionth door in the hospital but all I found were dead bodies of nurses and some patients hurdled up in the corner of the room. Their eyes widened in fear when they saw me.

I scanned the group of people in hospital gowns. They were about six; Two elderly women and four teenagers-- three boys and a girl-- all about fifteen or sixteen years. "Don't worry, you're safe. They're gone now" I said, assuring them. Their faces looked relieved after I said that.

I entered the room, closing it gently behind me. I walked towards them and stopped when one of the teenagers stood up. It was one of the boys. He has red bouncy-curly hair and he's shorter than me. He looks really skinny and a lip ring is on his lower lip.

"Don't come any closer. How do you want us to believe that you're not one of those people?" He said, his voice shaky. His stance is confident but he is obviously scared. My lips curled in distaste at his poor attempt of trying to be intimidating. I don't like people that take action without a plan.

"Because I'm not carrying a gun or bashing your head against the wall for your stupidity" I retorted. I heard a grumble of laughter from the remaining teenagers while the elderly women just stared at me like I'm their savior.

The boy with red curly-bouncy hair eyed me in distaste. The only female teenager walked up to me sweeping her red hair over her shoulder. "Hi. I'm Blu" she extended her palm for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you" I nodded at her, making her drop her hand awkwardly. I looked away from her and to the rest of the group. "Is anyone hurt?" I asked.

I heard a grumble of 'no's. I nodded again and darted my eye to Blu. She was giving me secret weird glances. "I already called the police. They'll be here in a minute" A boy with low cut blonde hair said.

Shit! The cops. " Oh,okay" I nodded. "Stay here, I'll be right back" I said before excusing myself by leaving the room.

I don't know the people that attacked the hospital. I recognize every single member of Venom's gang and I thought they were the ones. They weren't. But who could they be? And could they be the ones who took Alex?

I hissed in anger when I realized the amount of patients, doctors and nurses these people killed. At the reception, bodies stained with blood were scattered every where. Fisting my palms by my sides, I walked out the back door of the hospital to take a deep breath.

I reached for my cigarette pack in my pocket but it was empty. Cursing silently, I kicked a little rock and it flew in a projectile motion, colliding with the wall then breaking into a million pieces. I saw a car speeding its way towards the hospital. Eli.

I jogged towards his car and as soon as he saw me, he parked and got down. "Hey man, where's Alex?" He asked, holding my arm.

Snatching his arms away from me, I stepped back. "I don't fucking know" I answered.

"What do you mean you don't know?! You--"he started but his words got stuck in his throat as he darted his eyes to something behind me.

I turned around and realized that he saw the damage done to the hospital. "Some people came to the hospital. I locked her in her room and warned her not to come out. Then I went to find out who those people were.."I trailed off.

Eli's eyes were now focused on me, unmoving. "Venom?" He asked. I shook my head slowly.

"No. I don't know them. I would've recognized them if they were Venom's men but they weren't. I fought with the ones I could but one of the men hit me on the head and I passed out. I woke up to see that they were all gone. With Alex" I completed. Eli furrowed his eyebrows and before I knew it, he landed a punch on my nose.

Apricity✓|Editing Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt