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Elijah's P.O.V

"Hey! Do you guys know where Nick is? I haven't seen him since yesterday" I said, frowning immediately I got to where Alex and Bex were standing.

"Well..he was with me yesterday..." Alex said and Bex raised an eyebrow at that. I deflated a little, hearing Alex say that. They were together?

"Oh" I made my expression unreadable and Alex glanced at me.

"Zoey is a bit late too" Bex spoke up "I guess something is wrong. I think we should wait till lunch to see if they will still come to school"

"Yeah, you're right" Alex agreed with Bex as I nodded too.

"Okay, thanks. See you later" Eddy said and we walked away. I was in deep thought about what Alex said earlier. Why did she say it with a bit of hesitation? Did something happen between them? Does she like Nick? Does Nick like her? So many things were going through my head that I didn't realize that Eddy had stopped walking.

"Hey man, are you okay?" Eddy called and I stopped. He walked over to me. Am I okay? No! But I don't know if it's because of what Alex mentioned earlier or because Nick is missing as well as his sister.

"Yeah. I'm just worried about Nick and Zoey. We should check their house after school" I said with a furrowed eyebrow. Eddy's lips curved into a frown and I knew it was because of Zoey.

"Yeah. But Zo never misses school. I remember the last time she was sick, she came to school with a box of tissues and a little bin. She carried it with her to all the classes she attended. I remember she had a really bad cold then" he chuckled to himself, in deep thought. He liked Zoey. A lot. But he hasn't got the balls to tell her in fear of never having balls again because of Nick of course. Nick was overprotective over his sister and he knew how Eddy and him played girls over the years. The girls never lasted a week with them.

"Whipped" I muttered, making sure he heard me. He smacked me upside and punches his arm lightly. "Don't worry lover boy, they'll be fine". He nodded and smiled at me. It seems like we are just avoiding the negative thoughts by saying they will be fine.

"I know you like her" he said and my eyebrows furrowed. Zoey? I've never thought of her that way. She's like a sister.

"Zoey? No! She's like a sister to me" I explained immediately to avoid any confusion but he rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm talking about Alex, dude. You like her. Obviously" He explained and my eyes widened like a deer caused in the headlights. Was it that obvious?

"What? Of course not. She's a... friend" I said and I winced slightly at the last word. Nice going, dumbo.

"Stop being a wimp and admit it. I notice the way you look at her like she makes you all tingly inside" he nudged me teasingly. I rolled my eyes at him and I opened my mouth to talk but he shushed me ." If you are going to deny it again, I'd rather go. I don't want to be late for class." He said and started walking away, leaving me to my thoughts.

I like her. I really like Alex. But she doesn't like me. At least not that way. I'm willing to give it a try but I doubt she will. Probably because she definitely doesn't want to meddle in my fucked up family issues. I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts and made my way to class as well.

My only prayer now was that I hope Nick's consequences hasn't caught up with him and is now affecting his sister. I really hope.

Alexandrea's P.O.V

After the last class for the day, I gathered my books and stood up, heading straight for the door. There was something about the last class of the day that just makes me feel like I have finally been released from a prison or a cage of some sort. It's just satisfying.

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