(Extra Chapter)- I

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Nicholas's P.O.V

I sat opposite to Venom, this time a transparent glass separating us. He held a phone to his ear, his cold resentful gaze piercing through the glass and boring into my face.

I wasn't scared. Not one bit. However, I felt guilty. "You look good in orange" A smug smile as I spoke into the speaker for the phone against my ear.

His jaw moved and I could see his veins pop out from how tight his grip on the phone was. "This is not over, Nick"

I raised an eyebrow, amused. "Oh, it is over. It is completely over." I said.

He scoffed. " I have men everywhere. You can't hide from me"

"Your men gave out info on you, Venom. So do you really have men?"

He clenched his teeth. "I helped you. How could you do this?"

I went quiet. He really did help me and I betrayed him. I had to. I told him I wanted out but he didn't want to let me go. "You should have let me go when I asked you to"

"Let you go? Does that ever happen?"

"Well, look at you now" I shrugged. He glares at me. I glanced at my wrist watch and it was four minutes past 8.

"I have a date to catch up with and I don't want to be late. I just wanted to check up on you for old times sake" I stood up and he still held the phone against his ear as his loath filled eyes followed my movement.

"I don't need you to check up on me because you're feeling guilty" he spat.

"You're right. I feel guilty but this had to be done. Thank you for everything, Venom" I said and dropped the phone, letting the next words that came out of his mouth end on the wire of the table phone.

I did a salute and walked out. Venom and I had history...bad ones and it has come to an end. I did not report him, he had been on the wanted list for a while and the police somehow traced it to me. I had to give them what I have and left the rest to his men. He knew they were looking for him so he went into hiding but they found him.

I had to go see him today to see how he was doing. He helped me and I helped him. It was mutual. But those bad days are over now. I have people to protect and I can't do that while worrying if Venom was somewhere watching and making me do illegal things to keep them safe. I've had enough of that. It's time for a new start. For Zoey. For Daisy. For Alex.

"Taxi" I hailed a cab, heading to Alex's. I looked out the window with a sigh.

Elijah and I stopped talking. Not completely but enough for me to know only how he's doing through calls. I haven't seen him in months. I wonder if he's still with Stephanie and if he has settled with his parents. If he finally grew the balls to tell them what he wanted and standing his ground. Maybe he needed this, a time away from everyone and everything. We all need that once in a while.

Alex started going to cooking school, which was miles away from here, two months ago. Immediately they announced the date for the break, she came home immediately. Things have been great with her. We've fought a few times but we make up before the end of the day. I told her I had a surprise for her yesterday and to prepare so I'd pick her up tonight. It was supposed to be earlier but she had a girl's day out with Bex and my sister and chose to go for that instead. Insert massive eyeroll.

"Here is fine, thanks" I paid the can driver and got out, jogging towards her lawn. I stood in front of her door and dusted my plain grey button down shirt and black trousers. For an artist, this is a very bland outfit choice but I tried my best.

I knocked on her door, twice and waited. I heard footsteps and the door swung open revealing a grinning Alex in a brown gold Naomi satin dress that hugged her curves. Her hair was curled and in waves down her back and her left shoulder, making it look shorter. "You like what you see?" She bit her lower lip.

"I sure do" I smirked, planting a kiss on her lips as I stepped inside. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"Hold up" she ran upstairs and I went to sit on the couch. Susan walked out of the kitchen, holding a wooden cooking spoon and in an apron. I sprung up.

"Hi, Susan" I greeted nervously rubbing the side of my trousers. She chuckled and pulled me in for a hug.

"How are you? Alex told me you planned something?" Susan raised her eyebrows and I nodded with a smile.

"I did, just a little welcome surprise for her since we had been surviving on calls and texts since she left for school"

"How sweet. Don't forget--"

I cut her off "By 12, I know" I chuckled and she nodded, smiling and pointing the wooden spoon at me.

"Alright, have fun" she made her way back to the kitchen just as Alex jogged down the stairs with a pair of sneakers in one hand and a purse in the other.

"Don't fall, stink" I chuckled in amusement.

"I already did for you" She pouted and sat down to put on her footwear. Lord, this girl will be the end of me.

I crouched down to help her with it and caught her holding in a laughter the whole time. "What is it?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Oh nothing" she shook her head. I gave her a blank stare and she laughed. "There's lipgloss stain on your lips"

I wiped it off and stared at it the peach stain on my palm. "I wonder who got that there" She giggled and I took her hand. "Let's go"

"Bye mom!" She yelled before shutting the door. I ordered an Uber on my phone and it got here within minutes, I couldn't be more grateful.

We got in and I showed him the location. I didn't have much planned. I just wanted to have a nice night with her since it had been a while. Throughout the car ride, she ranted to me all about how her girl's day went with Zoey and Bex. Bex schooled in a different city from the rest of us but she dropped by once in a while. Zoey, Eddy and I attend the same school.

The car stopped in front of the beach and I paid him as we got down. I could see the excitement on Alex's face as we walked hand in hand, closer to the shore. Where we first met.

Lit lanterns lightened the path as we approached a set table and chair that sat under white curtains that was draped with rope lights. On the table is a bouquet of flower sitting at the centre and the white curtains danced at the breeze caressed them. She let go of my hand.

"Oh my-- Nick" she gasped, halting.

I put my arms in my pockets and shrugged. "It isn't much, I know. Do you like it?" I asked, nervous but hopefully hiding it well.

She scanned the setting then looked at me, teary eyed before pulling me into a hug. "Are you kidding? I love it! This is so beautiful, I don't even know what to say" she pulled away, wiping her face and walked to the table and chair.

"Am I the best boyfriend or what?" I smirked and she rolled her eyes, sitting down while I did the same.

The view was perfect. We watched the waves kiss the shore before taking bits of the sand with it back into the ocean. She looked at me. " I have a surprise for you too"

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Now?" I wasn't expecting this.

"Not now. After this" she said and I nodded.

"Okay then. Let's eat" I said as waiters came to drop our food. We ate and talked and when we were done, we took a walk in silence. Dare I say it, I think I've found my soulmate.

"It's almost 12. Let's get to my surprise!" Alex exclaimed and I chuckled, following her as she pulled my arm.


Apricity✓|Editing Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant