Chapter TWENTY

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Elijah's P.O.V

"Dude! Where were you?" I asked Nick as he entered his house. I came over immediately Daisy said he didn't come home last night again. I had been keeping Daisy's company because Zoey was at Alex's place.

"Out" he said and closed the front door walking over to his room. I sighed and ran my hand over my face then followed him. Daisy was in her room, she was stressed because Nick didn't come home so I made her something to eat and allowed her to rest.

"Nick" I said following him into his room and closing the door behind me. "You didn't come home last night, Daisy was so worried and she had to lie to Zoey so she wouldn't notice" I said as he walked to his wardrobe pulling his shirt over his head.

"Okay" he said as he folded the shirt he pulled over his head neatly. Ever since Zoey and Nick were kids, Daisy would make sure they were very neat even anytime Eddy and I came over to their house, immediately Nick, Eddy and I finished playing, she would shove us in bubbles of soap and give us a clean bath. As a result of this, Zoey and Nick have become neat freaks.

"What happened?" I asked and he changed into a pair of sweats and sat down on his bed.

"I- I told Venom that I wanted out" he stammered looking at me. I went to sit beside him.

"Then what happened?" I asked feeling a shivering run down my spine at the mention of Venom.

"He threatened to hurt- to hurt my family, everyone I know" he said quietly and I took a deep breath.

"You shouldn't have joined him in the first place, you should have accepted my offer instead" I said looking at him and he clenched his jaw.

"What did you expect me to do? I needed the money, or do just want me to leave everything to Gran? She needs to rest, I can't just leave everything to her" he said angrily.

"What about my offer? You could have avoided this by accepting to be my assistant or something in dad's company" I said getting annoyed.

"No! I don't want to work in your company. Your dad feels so full of himself and I can't let him embarrass me again." He stood up then walked to his desk and sharpened his pencil.

"Well what do you want to do now?" I asked getting fed up. I've never met this Venom and I never want to.

"I have no idea, I have no choice but to continue working with him" he shrugged as he started drawing on his sketchbook that he allows no one to see. Not even Zoey or Daisy had taken a peek out of that book.

"No! Let's discuss this with Eddy and see his opinion about it" I said and laid on my back on neatly laid bed.

"Hm" he hummed in response as he focused on his drawing.

"So what will you tell Daisy? Or have you finally decided to tell he and Zoey about your work?" I asked curiously and he tensed.

"No one is telling anyone anything" he muttered and I nodded.

"Nick!" Daisy's voice boomed through the door and Nick and I looked at each other before he answered.

"Gran, come in!" He answered and she came in. She closed the door behind her and Nick closed the drawing book on his table.

"Thank God you're okay" she said and she walked over to hug him. I sat up and smiled at them. Nick was lucky in some ways, at least he had someone that cares about him in his family. I care about only twoa people in my family which are Chef Lily and Kelly. No one else.

"Yeah, you haven't eaten have you?" She asked as she pulled away from the hug and held his face in her hands.

"No but I'll eat later" Nick said, embarrassed as he gave me a quick glance.

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