Love, My Favorite Solution

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I practically ran back to my room with Malfoy, hardly bothering to hide my alarm. We needed check on Professor Dumbledore. Malfoy growled when he saw Ron and Harry waiting by my door. I froze in my tracks, all my happy feelings dissipated. "Can we talk to you Hermione" Harry asked tentatively. 

I nodded numbly motioning for Malfoy to leave. "In your dorm" Ron added. 

My mouth went dry. They couldn't come in, they would see Professor Dumbledore. I shook my head. "No really Ron it's a mess in there, I've only began settling in" I told them. 

Harry nodded in agreement. "I know right, me too. I mean Ron's used to the mess though" Harry tried to joke. 

Ron didn't smile. "He's right. I don't mind it". 

Malfoy cleared his throat. "If you're going in you'll see me. Granger did you say you moved the potion into the farthest bedroom" he said, saving me. 

I frowned in confusion before catching on, the potion was supposed to be Dumbledore. "No it's in the one next to the bathroom. You might want to close the door when you add the ingredients though." I added as Malfoy opened the door. 

He shut it quickly and ferociously moved in front of the door. Dumbledore must be moving about. "Granger I thought your bloody cat died already" Malfoy said shooting me a look that quite plainly said, get the fuck out of here. 

I scowled. "Hermione. Crookshanks is in there" Ron asked weakly. 

I nodded eagerly. "D'you wanna come in. Harry? Ron? You haven't seen Crookie in ages" I gushed. 

They both shook their heads quickly. "Oh um that's alright why don't we go to Ron's room" Harry suggested rather quickly. 

My face fell but I nodded anyways. 


We made it to Ron's room in complete silence and I frowned as I entered. "Ron! This place is a disaster" I shouted causing Harry to stifle a laugh. 

I picked up a candy wrapper and dog biscuits. "Dog biscuits. That's odd even for you" I said. 

Ron gasped and grabbed the dog biscuit huffing as he did so. "Charlie bought his dog when he last visited" he grumbled. 

I perked up. "Charlie visited! Why didn't you tell me, I found this amazing book that I wanted to show him and-" I was interrupted by Ron's groan. 

"Yeah whatever just write to him" Ron called from across the room. 

Harry smiled at me and we settled down in Ron's room, Ron and I sitting on his bed and Harry sitting on the chair in front of us. Ron cleared his throat and looked at Harry awkwardly. "Oh! Right" Harry said waving to me and leaving in a flurry of "I need to be somewhere" 

Ron smiled at me awkwardly. I raised an eyebrow and felt my arm burn. Bellatrix was calling me. "Um Hermione I -uh -I broke up with Romilda" he said sheepishly. 

I turned to him sharply. "Why? You guys were doing fine" I said in surprise struggling not to cry out in pain. 

"I- uh- shit alright. Look Hermione I'm going to be straight with you becau-" 

I interrupted him desperate to leave. "Just-just say it" I said gasping. 

He frowned. "I-I still fancy you Hermione" he admitted. 

I gasped in pain and surprise. "Oh." I said. I fell backwards onto his bed and moaned in pain. 

"Hermione?" he asked uncertain. 

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