Girlfriends, Boyfriends, and Shitheads

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Annnnnd we're back to Hermione for a little while.

I smiled as I pulled away from Malfoy, his hair messy from my fingers running through it. We'd only kissed a few times but every time it felt so right, like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together in perfect harmony. His hand fit perfectly into the curves of my waist and my head fit just right on his shoulder and along his neck. Our lips locked in a perfect combination of mint and strawberries and our tongues moved together like the best of friends. I grappled for his shirt and pushed him down straddling his waist with soft, desperate pants. Malfoy let out a long sigh as he kissed my neck and I shivered in pleasure pulling his closer by his shirt. "Slow down Granger" he chuckled, the feeling so delicious with his lips still against my neck. 

I flushed and pulled away to stare into his eyes, the deep grey orbs alight with laughter. "Not that slow" he grumbled, pulling me back into his lips, Gandalf yipping forgotten at our heels. 

I giggled against his lips as Gandalf licked me and I muttered the counter-spell for his little problem. He barked happily and ran off in search of Dumbledore. "Only a matter of time before he gets hard again" I mumbled against Malfoy's lips. 

He let out a soft laugh that vibrated through my bones. "Yeah" he agreed. 

I sat up from his lap and straightened out my dress blushing slightly as Malfoy stared at me. "What?" I worried looking down at my dress. 

He shook his head slightly and smiled crookedly. "So, um" he cleared his throat. "Are we um" he trailed off. 

I sighed dramatically and stepped closer tracing the collar of his shirt. "Dating? Are we dating?" I finished his thought. 

I nodded sheepishly. "You know, you'll be my first girlfriend" he laughed softly. 

I pulled away and looked up, confused. 

"I never really dated Pans. She was more of a uhm" he looked visibly flustered. "Shagging partner" he coughed slightly. 

I nodded and tilted my head. "You know what? You'll be my first too, I mean I've had shagging partners as well like a few muggle boys" I blushed. "But I've only kissed Victor, Cormac, and Ron here at Hogwarts and well -" I didn't have to complete the sentence because he nodded in understanding. 

I smiled, relieved. There was a long pause of silence in which if I craned my ears I could hear the party below us. "Practice" Malfoy said suddenly. 

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. "They were just practice - you know. For the real thing" he clarified and I smirked dangerously. 

He gulped as he realized hat he said and moved away from me slowly. "So I'm the real thing" I settled on asking. 

He rubbed the back of his neck subconsciously. "We seem to fit" he said. 

I nodded and grinned at him. "We do don't we"

He nodded, blushing slightly. Who knew Malfoy was so shy when it came to girls? One would think that was his area of expertise. I smiled shyly up at him underneath my eyelashes, suddenly self conscious and scared of where this was going to go. "So" I began. "We're dating" Malfoy nodded. 

"Yes Gra-" he paused and smirked slightly. "Yes Hermione. We are". My name sounded simply delightful coming from his mouth, the letters rolled off his lips in a smooth motion that sounded so familiar and so right. It felt wonderful. 

"Alright then Draco" I smirked back. 

He laughed, throwing his head back and looked at me intently as he quieted down. "I like the way you say my name" he grinned. 

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