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This chapter is real short just so you guys know because it is told from Ron's P.O.V. 

DO NOT SKIP AHEAD this chapter is crucial. We'll be back to Hermione's P.O.V after this chapter ends though. 

I grabbed a glass of something frothy and dumped it's contents into my mouth. I smoothed down my costume of a vampire. I saw a bunch of girls eyeing me earlier but I didn't spare them a glance. Contrary to popular belief I am not some sort of a womanizer, but rather a hopeless romantic struggling to make his love jealous. Too bad I'm in love with the brightest witch of the age. 

I walked outside to wait by the entrance of the room the party was held in. I leaned against the wall, nodding to friends as they past me. I didn't try to rape Hermione, or rather I did but under the imperio of Chang. I know she's imperio'ing me but why? I watched Ginny and Nott enter the room and I felt a surge of anger flare through me. Why was GInny fraternizing with the enemy. Harry still loves her so why is she going with that arse. I'll hex him later. 

I watched Astoria Greengrass stumble towards the entrance. "Fucking mudblood, how dare she steal my man" she slurred. 

Mudblood. She must be talking about Hermione but who's her man. Was Hermione dating Malfoy? I crept neatly across the wall and saw a giggling Hermione walking with Malfoy. I snarled but stayed back to watch where they were going. I watched them enter the room of requirement and crept in as well. A flash of anger passed across Hermione's face before she smirked softly. "He's hard again" she flushed, looking down at - Malfoy's groin?

Malfoy smirked. "It does that a lot around you" 

She leaned in and their lips met in a passionate kiss. "I can fix that" she whispered leaning closer to him and he placed his hands on her waist pulling her in closer. 

I backed up against the boxes turning away from Hermione and fucking ferret face. I felt my eyes moisten as I realizes the love of my life was with someone else. I saw everything blur as I started to see red. 

Find Dumbledore. 

Dumbledore is dead!



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