A Dose of Gratitude

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We managed to make it to the Great Hall, the flurry of activities stopping once I entered. Chang muttered profanities under her breath and attempted to toss some pudding at me but caught Mcgonagall's eye and put it down, cursing louder. "Hey Harry, Ron" I nodded at them. "Nev" he smiled cheekily. 

"I asked Luna out!" Neville grinned, his smile stretching across his face. 

"That's great!" I said enthusiastically. 

And it really was. Neville had been pining after Luna for a very long time since the war but he always got cold feet when he saw her. "Gryffindor courage Nev." Ron grinned. "And a girl who will actually say yes" he muttered glancing at me. 

I slammed my hands on the table. "Ron, you were my first love. I waited for you after the war until I found out you'd been chasing Romilda fucking Vane! It was shit but I was happy for you. Every time I saw you I got weak in the knees I fucking loved you but I held it in for your sake and Vane's! Every time I figure it out you push me away Ron, what am I supposed to say. I can't have you breaking my heart again" I threw my arms in the air, completely unaware that the Great Hall went silent at my outburst. "So, no I will not date you" I hissed before hopping off the bench and turning around. 

I saw all the students staring at me while the teachers chatting away, oblivious as usual. "What" I snarled stepping away from my table. 

I stalked off listening to the pounding of my feet against the ground matching my ferocious heartbeats. My footsteps echoing across the hall, mixed with another's. I spun around expecting Ron to have followed me but instead there was Malfoy, standing in front of me his signature smirk on his face. "Hello Granger, fancy seeing you here" he grinned. 

"Shut the fuck up" I growled starting to walk away from him. 

He grabbed my shoulder grazing my skin and I stopped, leaning into his touch. I caught myself and pulled away but he smirked nonetheless. "What happened?" he asked. 

I sighed. "Ron. Not that it's any of your business" I said halfheartedly. 

The truth was that it really was nice to have someone to talk to, and surprisingly Malfoy was a better listener than Ginny and Luna because he didn't make murder threats every second. It was nice, even if it was Malfoy. "I'm flattered" he said dryly. 

"Stay out of my head" I huffed putting up my mental walls to keep him out. "Hey listen we should probably move him to the Room later today. He only just started walking and is way too unsteady that he keeps making a mess of my dorm, not to mention Harry and Ron will get really suspicious if I don't let them in any time soon." 

Malfoy groaned. "Right. So how is he". 

I frowned. "He's doing fine. I think he likes you better than me though he wouldn't tell me even if I asked" I scowled. 

Malfoy smirked. "I'm better company Granger." 

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Real mature. I thought that taking care of him, you know new responsibly and all you'd mature a bit more. But no, I was sadly mistaken" he sighed dramatically. 

I smirked. "Yes you were" we laughed a bit and walked together awkwardly not sure if we should part ways or not. "Um Malfoy." I said. 

He turned towards me sharply concern flashing in and out of his eyes. Concern for Professor Dumbledore not me, I thought. I gulped and frowned slightly, listening to the wind for a minute the loud silence making it even more uncomfortable. "Well, thank you. Thanks for helping me out and not - well not freaking out when you found out. It would be shit to do this alone as I now realize and - well - you didn't tell anyone either so, thanks" I said.

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