14: Day 11

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It seemed to me things had temporarily died down with everyone ignoring the tension. Today we were going paintballing, and with the way Jameela is looking at me, she's ready to shoot me first.

Derek wasn't here yet, and I was getting a little worried. He is late on a daily basis but this was shocking. We were told about paintballing yesterday evening, and now he's late even though he was super excited for the event.

"Yo Brandon!" Derek's voice yelled out, making us turn around.

He was storming towards Brandon, and when he finally got there, he grabbed him by the collar. Brandon pushed him off angrily.

"The fuck is wrong with you?!"

"You think you're gonna get away with getting into Jessica's pants?" Derek yelled angrily as Yvonne grabbed my arm terrified.

"You aren't even together, get your dick out of your ass Derek." Brandon said calmly, "Besides, aren't you fucking Cece?"

Derek was outraged by this, and shoved Brandon. Brandon didn't take to kindly to this, and shoved Derek back. Derek took it a step further by throwing a punch, which Brandon luckily dodged, tackling Derek to the ground.

Wrong, wrong idea of telling Derek about Jess and Brandon.
I should've known he'd be this impulsive.

Nathan and Leon separated them, with Leon trying to get through to Derek. I walked over to Derek after asking Yvonne to release me, and looked him in the eyes.

"Derek, it's not worth it. Please." I whispered, "We have plenty of time to-"

A loud popping sound was heard and some paint was fired right besides me. We all looked at Jameela, who had suited up and had her gun ready. She pulled the helmet down.

"We're playing capture the flag today." She said, "In the rainforest."

"How do you?-"

"Mr Kahale said so. Now suit up and get ready, I'm ready to shoot some people." She shot at the sand again, "And my aim is awesome by the way."


After Mr Kahale and Miss Iona gave us the instructions and led us to our teams respective bases, we waited for a signal. We weren't too deep in the forest though, mainly because they feared we'd get lost once again just like I did once and I was happy they didn't make us go deep into the forest. The rainforest was marked this time, making it easier for us, but the flag was all the way at the beach, right in the middle of it. Nathan had given us a game strategy; to avoid getting shot, we take the shortest dangerous route. If we get shot; you go back to the base to respawn, and if you happened to have the flag and get shot, you return the flag then go back to your base. The good thing about this? No back shots or you're disqualified.

The siren sounded, and Yvonne and I were first. We hid among the trees, and I spotted Jessica, the enemy, trying to go. With all my pent up anger, I started firing like a madman in her direction.

She screamed as the paint decorated her body. I was enjoying it but then I got shot in the chest by Jameela, the blue paint splattering on my chest protector. I cursed, and gave the hiding Yvonne a glance before returning to the base.

I watched Yvonne get to the flag, and she made a sprint for it. Jameela did the same, and they both grabbed the flag, having a tug of war with it. Yvonne freed one hand and shot Jameela in her chest, making her drop the flag as Yvonne sprinted once again.

The other team began firing, so we had to get out of our base and defend Yvonne. Nathan was first, and shot Brandon while Derek shot Gia. Leon wasn't as great as Derek and Nathan, getting shot by Kim, who mouthed a sorry to him. I tried shooting Jess again, but she shot me first.

Yvonne made it back and yelled, "Flag!"

We won the first round, now it was time for the second. I lifted my gun up and looked towards the distance.

"Let the games begin."


After a couple of rounds and a load of bickering, we sat by the table again, talking to one another. Derek and Brandon were far away from each other, and Yvonne and Jameela weren't even close. It was the way it should've always been.

Derek tapped me on the shoulder, and motioned for me to talk to him alone. I nodded and told Yvonne I'd be back, before leaving to go with Derek.

We walked across the beach together in silence for some time.

"So about the bet." He began, making me stop and face him, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, I've already caused too much damage."

"No, I'm not backing down. You'll gloat about this each chance you get." I shook my head, pushing a strand of brown hair behind my ear, "I agreed to this bet, I'm not gonna back out last minute."

He frowned, "Cecelia, I've already caused a problem between you and Yvonne unintentionally. Plus Jameela seems like she's up to something, I'm just scared of what it is."

We looked back to the table where the guys were, watching Jameela talk to Brandon before facing each other again.

"Hopefully it's not bad." I murmured, "But to be on the safe side, I think it's best we stay away from her."


"Because if she finds some way to get Yvonne using information that may have slipped up, I'm done for." I explained, "Jameela will do anything to get closer to Yvonne. Anything."

"I guess so. Meanwhile I'm trying to understand why Jess would..." Derek sighed, "I'm hurt, Cece."

"It was probably a decision she made when she was still mad at you, don't give up hope." I encouraged, "If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here."

"I don't cry."

I rolled my eyes, "Right, so you screaming like you got stabbed with tears streaming down your cheeks and your entire face red last night when I came by to check on you isn't crying."

"Shut up. We need a plan to throw Jameela off our tracks." Derek suddenly changed the topic, "She knows there's something going on, that's why she's trying so hard."

"Like I said, she will go really far to get what she wants."

"Even go to the extremes?"

I watched her laugh with Brandon, slightly shoving his arm. I nodded slowly, then faced Derek again.

"Even to the fucking extremes."

Question of the day;

What do you think Jameela might do?

And for those questioning why I'm updating a lot;

I have a lot of time on my hands now. I wasn't feeling well so I didn't go to school today, but I'm recovering and I'm already working on the next 4 updates of this book. I'm so excited for what's to come for this book, and when it's almost over.

Till next time,

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