16: Day 13

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Miss Iona and Mr Kahale stood in front of us, holding a bunch of papers. I looked at Miss Iona, who was eyeing Mr Kahale in a different type of way, one that was definitely not just business like. It made me think; were they dating?

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a little over a week. And Mr Kahale and I have decided to let you enjoy the next week with no pressure from us." Miss Iona began, "But today, we're going for a hike."

"Hiking? Super fun." Jameela's sarcasm was evident a mile away.

"Hey, because of certain individuals arguing and ruining team fun every step of the way, we had to cut down on activities." Mr Kahale explained, "You by far are not the greatest group we've had."

"Thank you so much." Brandon scoffed, "Let's go for the hike then. Spend some time with mother nature, then come back and start arguing again."

"Actually, you'll be going in pairs to avoid conflict. We have tour guides for each pair."

"Wonderful." Jameela clapped.

"But, we're picking the pairs." Miss Iona stated.


"You guys haven't been bonding; you're divided into two groups basically. So, Mr Kahale and I have already picked the pairs."

"But...why?" Gia (I think it's her, Kim wasn't as talkative as her) asked.

"So that you'll get to know each other better. Perhaps spending more time with one another is all it takes." Mr Kahale, "I remember when we were your age, we'd be paired with our worst enemy, and come out the best of friends. It could work for you all."

"I'm pretty sure your ways were outdated. I mean, aren't you like 60?" Jameela rolled her eyes.

Mr Kahale did not look too impressed, but forced a smile, "I don't know, maybe you can ask your partner Cecelia."

She slammed her hands on the table and stood up, "Her?!" She pointed at me while I sat there in dismay.



"Did I make a mistake in saying her name, Jameela?" Mr Kahale smiled, "She's going to be your best friend by the time the hike is over, isn't that right, Cecelia?"

I smirked, "That's right sir, the best of friends."

"You're joking, say sike." She chuckled nervously.

Before Mr Kahale could reply, 5 men stepped up. Miss Iona waved at them and cleared her throat.

"Aloha." They greeted us.

"These are your tour guides. Now, let me call out the pairs; Yvonne and Gia-"

"Jameela's best friend? Please, I rather switch with Cece." Yvonne sighed.

"Brandon and Derek-"

"NO!" They both yelled out.

"If any of you have a physical altercation, you're on your way home. Understood?" Miss Iona firmly said.

Brandon and Derek piped down, and Miss Iona continued.

"Leon and Nathan-"

"That's not fair, they're dating for chrissake!" Jameela whined.

"They haven't had a problem with anyone since they got here, it's only fair." Mr Kahale shrugged while Leon and Nate locked hands.

"And Jessica and Kim. Now, go on and have some fun!"

We stood up, and Jameela locked eyes with me. She walked over to me, and stood by my side.

"You don't speak to me, I don't speak to you. That's the only way we can maintain peace; deal?" She whispered as the pairs left with their guides.

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