15: Day 12

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We all stared at the rope on the ground as Miss Iona created a line in the sand. If you don't already know what I'm pointing at, then I'll explain it for you;

We're playing tug of war.

As she finished creating a line, she asked us to huddle around her. We watched her smile before speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen. It seems to me that we have a couple of people who aren't working together and-"

"Ruining the trip for us? Yes, it's her." Jameela rolled her eyes at me.

"Shut up and let the woman speak, you raggedy bit-"

"Anyways!" Miss Iona came in before Yvonne finished that statement, "We had a bunch of fun and safe activities for you to do since you can't do the high adrenaline activities anymore. It has come to my attention that there have been students causing fights and-"

"Snatching braids, trying to give each other a black eye, and overall not being chilled." Kim shrugged, "That's the highlight reel of the past week or so."

"Entertaining as hell if you ask me." Brandon laughed.

"You almost got your ass beat, don't start." Derek hissed.

"By who? You?" Brandon smirked, "I doubt, you can't do shit to me."

"Wanna find out?" Derek asked, his hands turning into fists.

"Can you two stop arguing and listen?" Miss Iona calmly asked and our attention returned to her, "We have been informed of several altercations, and we're tempted to report back to your respective institutions. This will not be tolerated because this is also an educational trip, not a delinquent vacation. If we find out about one more physical altercation, it will be reported back to your institution, and you'll have a very bad add-on to your testimonial. You're seniors in your schools, and practically adults, I expect you to behave like them. Understood?"

There was silence among us, but one by one, we nodded. Jameela and I locked eyes, and she squinted hers, as if examining something. I turned away from her intense gaze, and focused on Miss Iona.

"Alright, if you can work with this safe activity, then maybe we'll reinstate the ones we originally planned." She continued, "I'm sure you know how this game works?"

We nodded, "Alright then, each team pick a side."

Nathan picked the left side and stood at the front with Derek behind him. Leon followed, leaving Yvonne and I to decide who would be behind Leon.

She took the stance and went behind him, picking up the rope. I followed suit and got ready for the game to begin, already standing on the sand with a lot of force.


Now this is when I figured out that I am not strong at all.

Physically, at least.

At first it was a stalemate, but then the other team pulled with all their might, knocking us off balance and sending us flying to the sand face front. I felt bad for Nathan, because that was a gnarly fall and he was in front the entire time.

"Point K-Team!" Gia yelled, and they celebrated as we found our bearings.

"Huddle." Nathan commanded.

We huddled and Derek was the first to speak, "You okay mate?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I may have bruised my knee a bit but I'll be fine." Nathan explained, "Game strategy. Leon, any suggestions?"

"You expect Leon to know anything other than che-"

"One strong at the front and one at the back, the middle will have those who aren't as strong to protect the strongest." Leon said calmly, "It's like the pieces protecting the king, and whoever is at the back is the king while the queen is in the front."

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