Chapter Two

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I had been walking for what felt like hours. The moon was still up, but had moved it's position in the sky. I wouldn't have the night cover much longer. I had also yet to see or hear my captors again, or any roads for that matter, making me wonder if I was actually moving in the right direction.

My limp and the pain in my body was slowly seeping in again, making my footsteps louder than I would have liked. If I didn't make it out of this forest soon then I might not make it at all. Still, death from getting lost in a forest would be better than going back with them.

I stopped walking and leaned against a tree. My body was exhausted. As much as I wanted to take a break, I knew I couldn't, there was no good place to hide and come daylight they would be able to find me easier. I managed to somewhat blend in the dark, thankful my hair was a dark brown and the large shirt I had grabbed was black. My skin wasn't as tan as it used to be, making it shine more in the moonlight, but I was covered in enough dirt from all of my falls that it wasn't as noticeable.

I closed my eyes for a moment, quickly reopening them when I heard a snap in the distance. I quickly glanced around for another bush, but all that surrounded me now were too small to hide in and trees, but none with branches low enough to climb. I could hear a murmur of voices, they were coming this way.

Part of my heart jumped at the fact that I was hopefully heading in the right direction The other part sank, they were getting closer and I had nowhere to hide. I slowly started creeping around the tree, it had a wide trunk I could easily hide behind. Part of my brain started screaming at me, reminding me of all the horror movies I used to watch, but I had no other options.

"See, I told you she wouldn't make it this far out." I could barely make out Jeds words as they headed my way. "She's probably up near the house still, walking in circles."

I heard Brad huff. "How many times do I have to tell you to shut up? She's smart, all that's behind the house is obviously mountains. She would have guessed that this way led to town."

They were almost to the tree, their lights shined on the tree I was hiding behind and the ones around me. I slowed my breathing and looked up, all I had to do was make it past this. Then I would head in the direction they came from, town or not, I was getting away from here. I would rather risk eating berries and sleeping in a cave than going back with them.

"I expect a good bottle of whiskey when we get back and I prove you wrong." Jed huffed out.

"You'll get another black eye if you don't shut your mouth." Brad grumbled back.

"I also claim first dibs on teaching her a lesso....fucker!" Jed yelled out as I heard a thump.

"Shut up a damn minute," Brad hissed. "I thought I heard something." I held my breath. They weren't far from where I was hiding, I could hear their breathing.

A light rustling sound came from a small bush to my left, one that would be almost big enough to have hid under. Right beside me, beside the tree I was hiding behind. They were coming closer.

"You think it's her?" Jed questioned. I could feel my eyes start to sting and my body began to tremble. They were too close, they're going to find me.

"Shut the hell up!" Brad demanded, my body froze and my heart pounded so loud I was sure he could hear it. I could see his shadow on my side of the tree.

He started to bend down to glance under the bush. I kept my gaze on him, waiting to bolt, if he glanced to the right he would see me. As soon as his hand touched the ground, out jumped a rabbit zooming past them and towards another bush.

"Shit!" Jed exclaimed before he started laughing. "You just busted your ass over a tiny bunny."

Brad had fallen backwards, I heard him scrambling up. "Shut up and let's go find the girl. I'm over these woods and ready for a drink."

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