Chapter Twenty-One

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My head and arms throbbed as I came to. I tried to move my hand to it, only to be met with restraint. I furrowed my brows,  cracking my eyes open. Dread filled me instantly.

I was in, what seemed to be, an old barn. My arms were suspended above my head, my feet barely skimming the dirt and hay beneath me. Glancing up, I noticed they were tied with rope around a rush hook that was hanging from the ceiling. 

I took a few deep breaths, pushing the aches away, and glanced around. The barn was obviously old, the dark brown wood was coated in dust and cobwebs. There were a holes in some of the boards, allowing me to see that it was still daylight out. There was a ladder to the left of the doors, that led up to a small loft.

Tools and whips lined the left wall, causing a shudder to move through my body. Three stall doors were located on the right side.

I glanced up at the hook as I slowly moved my arms back in forth, gritting my teeth against the strain in my shoulders. Maybe if I could get enough friction the rope would break. 

The barn door screeched open,  causing my movements to pause.  My heart stalled as my gaze met Jacob's cruel smile. Another set of footsteps entered, causing me to break our stare. 

My stomach lurched as my eyes met the face I grew up with.

Luke. His eyes widened in recognition when they met my own. I couldn't keep the disgust and hatred hidden as I stared at him, looking away when my stomach lurched again. What was Luke doing with a sex trafficker? Is he one too?

"And she's finally awake!" Jacob exclaimed, my body flinching on it's own accord. "Come on now, don't be rude. I have someone I want you to meet." My eyes narrowed into a glare as I stared at him.

"She's a little cranky. " he stage whispered to Luke. "Poor thing probably has a horrid headache." I rolled my eyes at his mocking tone, causing his to narrow. "And apparently an attitude."

He walked until he was standing in front of me, his hand reaching out to grab my jaw in a crushing grip. I bit back my wince. "Listen, sugar." he began, causing my stomach to roll at his 'pet name'. "You're making me look bad in front of my new associate. Do you need to be taught a lesson?" He crooned.

Fear filled my body, my eyes widening before I could stop them. I quickly shook my head, looking away when his lips pulled into a smirk.

"Atta girl." He let go of my jaw. "This is Andrew." I glanced up in confusion. Andrew? My gaze moved to Luke, his face was turned away, his jaw clenched. As if feeling my eyes on him, he looked up, shooting me a sly wink before his face went neutral. "You're going to be seeing him quite a bit from now on, he's going to be in charge of our security and your personal guard. Cant have you running off again."

Jacob clapped his hands together loudly, making me flinch. "Speaking of running off, I think it's time for your lesson."

The blood drained from my face at his words. I glanced at Luke again, his gaze was on the floor, his jaw tensed. He wouldn't let this happen would he?

"Andrew, do me a favor and grab me one of the whips off the wall." My heart sped up as Luke's sorrow filled eyes met mine, then dropped as I watched him follow Jacob's  instructions.

I looked away, narrowing my eyes as I met Jacob's smirk. "Now might be the time to start saying your apology, sugar. It might convince me to go a little easier on you, despite the stunt you pulled at the gas station." He cooed, his hand coming up to caress my cheek.

I jerked my head away, feeling heat form in the pit of my stomach as rage filled me. I took a quick glance at the hook above me. If I could jump, maybe I could slip the rope off of it.

"Fuck you." I hissed, leaning my head back before throwing it forward into his own.

He let out a curse, his hand coming up to grab his forehead. I saw his glare for a split second, before my own head was forced to the side. My cheek throbbed, my stomach turning as blood filled my mouth.

A laugh escaped before I could stop it. I spit out the blood, working my jaw slightly.

"If you want to skip right to that part, we can." He sneered.

"That part might be a little harder for you to do." I said, tilting my head to the side in sympathy.

His brows furrowed slightly. "And why's that?"

I gave a small shrug, wincing as my shoulders shifted. "I just don't think your, um...little guy, will have much umph in him."

Jacob's face turned red as he stalked towards me. Two steps. One step. As soon as he was directly in front of me, I threw all of my strength into my right knee. Which was now nestled between his legs.

His eyes widened, his mouth dropping open as a small wheeze escaped him. Taking my other leg, I pushed myself upwards.

My heart sank as I realized the rope that bound my hands was also tied to the hook above me, not just hanging on it. All I had managed to do was shift it slightly.

I was back to square one.

Except now, I wasn't just in Hell, I had ignited the flames.

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