Chapter Twenty-Six

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**I'm going to be completely honest. I have stared at this chapter for over a month now, trying to figure out how to write it. Everytime I type sentence, it gets deleted. With that being said, I've decided to just go with it. I've tried working on other chapters while waiting to figure this one out, but it's been way too long. It seems decent enough, and will be reshaped in the rewrite, but for now I hope you all enjoy it!**


I twisted the end of Hunter's hoodie in my hands as we walked down the blinding white hallway, wincing as my shoe squeaked against the floor.

It had been three days since the rescue and three days of begging Hunter to bring me to see Jackson. Thankfully Mak was on my side, assuring him that I would be fine to make the trip if I applied the medicine on my back four times a day and took it easy.

"You ok there, darlin?" I blinked up at Hunter's concerned face. His eyes darted to the sleeve of the hoodie I was wearing before moving back up to mine.

"What if he hates me?" I whispered, wringing the hoodie sleeve tighter. His face softened, a reassuring smile lifting on his lips.

"Trust me." He began, pulling the hoodie from my hands and taking them into his own. "Hate is the last thing he feels."

"But he got shot. Because of me." The guilt in my stomach grew the more I thought about it.

I blinked as Hunter lifted my hands up, his beard rubbing against them as he placed soft kisses along my knuckles.

A soft chuckle escaped him. "Although that is true, he's definitely been using it to his advantage."

I tilted my head slightly. "What does that mean?"

"It means he's already gotten five nurses phone numbers." I glanced behind me at Ace's voice. "Apparenlty chicks dig a wounded hero." He shrugged with an amused grin.

I went to glance back at Hunter,  pausing as I noticed two giggling nurses leaving a room. Amusement began to replace the guilt.

I looked up at Hunter, nodding my head towards the door. "I assume that's his room?"

"Did you bring giggles? Because if not, you can just walk your happy self right back out that door." My gaze went back to the door in question, a small smile lifting on my face.

Hunter sent me an amused grin. "We should get in there before he starts accusing Ace of lying." I glanced around to notice he was no longer beside us.

Worry began building in my stomach as we got closer to the door. I tightened my grip on Hunter's hand, glancing up as he squeezed mine back, a reassuring look on his face.

I took a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves, before stepping inside. My gaze automatically went to the bed stationed in the middle of the room. My footsteps faltered as i noticed the glaring man sitting on top of it.

"Three days." He stated, his tone heavy with offence. "It's been three days." I couldn't help but shrink back slightly, wincing as my back knocked into Hunter's stomach.

"Hey now, you know that's not her fault." Ace defended, glancing at me in concern before turning to glare at Jackson.

Jackson scoffed in disbelief.  "You think I'm blaming her?" He turned his glare to Ace. "Oh no. I'm blaming you, and that brooding mountain of a man behind her."

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