Chapter Seventeen

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I was having a rough time today. When I first woke up, I was excited that it was the day Lisa was coming. The more I thought about it though, I also realized it was the day that put me closer to leaving.

I was so confused on how to feel. I thought I knew what I wanted. To be away from this place, where I was brought by my kidnappers. That thought was quickly being replaced by sadness of leaving the guys. I've even caught myself considering a life here a few times. I could work at a local shop in town, blow things up with Jackson, learn how to fight with Ace, love Hunter for the rest of my life. 

My body froze for a moment, and I glanced over to where he was lacing up his boots.

Loving Hunter. Love used to be something I made jokes about, I always believed it was real but never thought I would find it. But with him, I would do anything to have it. I felt a smile pull on my lips, loving Hunter for the rest if my life was definitely going on my bucket list.

As if feeling my eyes on him, Hunter glanced up, sending me a playful wink and a quick smile. I felt heat rush to my cheeks, but this time I welcomed it.

"You alright there, darlin?" He asked as he stood from the couch and made his way over to the bed. I widened my grin and nodded.

"I am." I narrowed my eyes playfully. "But I would be way better if you gave me a kiss." His eyes widened for a moment before his lips pulled up into a small smirk.

"If you want it, come and get it." He teased, using two fingers to beckon me. I slowly stood from the bed, biting the giggle that wanted to rise when his smirk fell and he swallowed.

When I made it over to him, my hands gripped the bottom of his shirt. I glanced up, making my eyes wider as they met his. His eyes darkened as his hands came to rest on my waist. One sharp inhale later and his lips were on mine, one hand gripping my waist while the other cradled the back of my head. My hands fisted into his shirt, a soft moan escaping me as his teeth nibbled on my bottom lip. Our heads tilted as the kiss deepened. I relished in the drunk feeling that thrummed through my body. I had been kissed before, but nothing compared to Hunters kisses.

A spark ignited in me, causing one hand to cup the side of his face and the other to tangle in his beard. His hand tightened in my hair as he groaned, causing my body to push into his even more. It felt as if my body was trying to morph us into one. Just as his tongue swiped my bottom lip, a knock came at the door. We both let out a groan before pulling away. I tried to catch my breath as I stared at his reddened lips for a moment before they descended on mine again, and again, and again.

"Hunter?" Ace's voice came through the door, followed by another knock.

"Just a moment." Hunter answered before giving my lips a few more soft kisses, grumbling when the grin on my face prevented anymore. I let out a soft laugh.

"I think you're needed." I said, giving his shoulder a soft push.

"Why is it everytime I kiss you, someone suddenly needs me?" He groaned, laying his forehead on my shoulder, causing another laugh to escape me.

"I'm pretty sure you're the one that set up this meet time." I countered, running my hand through his hair. "Plus, the sooner you get it over with the sooner we can get back to kissing." I offered.

His head shot up, a mischievous smile appearing. "Say no more." I laughed as he pecked my lips before rushing out the bedroom door.

After showering and getting dressed, I made my way downstairs. The guys were still talking, so I made my way into the living room and glanced ar the bookshelf. I smiled when my gaze fell on the Divergent series, grabbing the first one I made my way to the couch.

About a quarter of the way into the book, I felt something soft drape across my lap. Glancing up, I gave Hunter a soft smile as he situated the blanket he placed on my lap. He leaned down, placing a kiss on my forehead and a glass of tea on the side table, before making his way back into the kitchen.

A knock came from the front door, causing him to pause in his retreat. I laid my book down, sliding my view towards the hall.

After a few moments of soft voices, a low chuckle rang out as feet sped in the direction I was in. I tilted my head in curiosity before bracing myself as Lisa came barreling through the door, her small frame latching onto mine. I flinched as a small screech left her, temporarily taking my hearing.

"In my goodness, I thought I was never gonna get here!" She exclaimed dramatically, making me roll my eyes and let out a small laugh. I glanced back to see Hunter leaned against the door frame, a soft smile on his face. He sent me a quick wink as our gazes met.

"Ugh, and don't get me started on the traffic." My gaze swung back to Lisa as she scrunched her face, making me laugh. I slowly pried her arms away, patting the couch as I sat down. I let out another laugh as she huffed and flopped down beside me.

"It's good to see you too." I laughed. She glanced at me for a moment before latching onto my hand.

"I guess a hi would have been a better start, huh?" She giggled. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Better than I was." I gave a small shrug as I smiled. She leaned in a little closer.

"Oh I'll bet." She teased, her shoulder nudging mine. "To be honest, part of me is a little jealous. I mean, I hate what you went through, but damn. Did you see the muscles on that guy?"

I let out a small laugh, nodding my head.

"Not that I don't want you to, but are you sure you want to leave?" She questioned, dramatically fanning her face. "I mean, you would probably have to pry my arms from that gorgeous man."

"You're welcome to stay as well." Our bodies perked up at the new voice. I glanced behind us to see the guys all standing in the doorway to the living room. Jackson had a goofy smile on his face.

"Oh. My. Goodness." Lisa's hand grasped my arm, her eyes wide. "Theres more?" Her head moved back and forth as she took the guys in, her eyes never staying on one for too long. I shook my head, a small smile on my face, as I watched her.

"Darlin?" My head turned back around as Hunter kneeled in front of me. "We're getting ready to head out. Arthur is going to stay behind with you and Lisa." I nodded my head, then tilted it to the side in confusion.

"Heading out?" I questioned.

"Yeah, we're gonna go see if we trace your tracks and find the house you were kept it." My eyes widened for a moment.

"Is that safe?" I felt my heart skip a beat as his face softened.

"Of course, flower. All the guys, except Art are going. As well as Dan and few of his guys." He gave me a soft smile. "If all goes well, we should be home before dark."

"Ok." I nodded. "Be careful." His smile turned into a grin.

"Always." He paused for a moment before swooping down and capturing my lips in a heated kiss. My mind went blank. When he pulled away, I stared at him with a dazed smile. His own lips pulled up, before his thumb caressed my lower lip.

"Hot damn." I jumped at Lisa's voice beside me, feeling my cheeks warm.

Hunter gave me a quick kiss on the head before standing up and leaving with the guys. I kept my gaze away from Lisa's, finding the pattern of the carpet suddenly very interesting. 

"Rose." She said softly, causing my gaze to finally move to hers. She gave me a soft smile. "If a guy looked at me like he looks at you, I don't think all the money in the world could make me leave."

I glanced down at the blanket in my lap for a moment. "I'm beginning to think I don't want to." I whispered softly.

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