5: The Jock's Underwear

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Julia's POV

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Julia's POV

My first day ends just like my mom and I had always planned it: me sitting at my desk, finishing editing my first day of school vlog.

What we hadn't planned was that I would be dealing with a scandal involving a jock and popular girl scheming to take me down.

It's just before sunset and I'm slumped over on my chair, replaying the clip of me explaining the camera-stealing incident with Mia over and over. It seems good enough, but I won't know until I upload it. The rest of the vlog includes the footage I filmed this morning and some footage I took throughout the rest of my relatively uneventful first day.

There's a scene of Patrick and I in art class together, Mia and I eating lunch together, and one of me checking out the club posters. I haven't decided which ones to join yet, but figure there's always more time to do so over the next few days. Maybe when everyone isn't looking at me like I'm Shane Dawson after he got cancelled.

I sigh and look up from my laptop. My desk is by the window on the right side of my room and I can see Brent's house and even his room since it's on his house's second story as well. I look closer through his window and see him frantically doing pushups on the floor. I roll my eyes and look back down at my laptop.

Just don't think about him. Don't think about how much he pisses you off. Or his stupid laugh. Or how he calls you "vlogger girl".

I grind my teeth and cut some more of the vlog footage. I add my intro and outro songs. I add some funny captions. I... think about how much I hate Brent some more.

I look into his room again and see that he's taking off his shirt.

"No way," I say, and stand up from my desk. I run to the window and open it, waving my hands to get his attention.

He sees me, pulls his shirt off fully, grins, and opens his window.

"Hey! Close your curtains, weirdo! I don't want to see that stuff."

His body is kind of a masterpiece. It's shining with sweat and he looks like a bodybuilder or a Roman gladiator. His abs aren't as defined as, say, Patrick's, but for that he has a barrel-sized chest and could probably hold a vlog camera steady for a really long time with his massive arms.

He grins and flexes his bulky arms. "Why? Am I distracting you?"

I roll my eyes. "If we're gonna be neighbors, maybe we should set up some ground rules. Like how about you just keep your curtains closed at all times?"

"Psh, why can't you?" he asks.

"Because I can't edit my vlogs without some outside lighting," I say, crossing my arms.

"And why not?"

"Because everything has to be perfect when I work on my channel."

"What? Afraid you'll be cancelled?" he asks with a smirk.

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