6: Washing the Jock

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Julia's POV

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Julia's POV

I wake up the next day with 10,789 subscribers. I prop myself up in my patterned bed and scroll through the comments on my latest video.

My mom wasn't kidding. The top comments are all about how cute Patrick and Brent are and/or people shipping me with one of them.

It's a disaster.

I roll out of bed and, in my fuzzy, light blue pajamas, go downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom is sitting at the dining table with Hayden. She's made avocado toast for me again and another protein shake for him.

I fall into my chair and slump over, letting my long, messy hair cover my face. "Mom. I can't do this," I say.

"What, sweetie?" she asks and I hear the scraping of a knife against bread that tells me she's buttering a piece of toast for herself. I look through my strands of hair to see she's wearing formal attire since she has to be at work in 30 minutes. Attorneys can't be late. 

Hayden is grinning slightly at my sadness.

"Film with those two jerks," I say.

"But, sweetie! You have to. You know it's both of ours biggest dream to be getting the numbers and engagement you're getting right now!"

"Mom, this is more like a nightmare."

"Sweetie, this discussion is over. You know what I think about making choices that don't help your channel. You'll see those two boys everyday and you better get some good footage with them," she says before taking a big bite of her toast.

"Oh, Julia, if you eat and get ready fast, you can come with me to the football tryouts this morning," Hayden says.

I sigh. "And why would I go to those?"

"Julia!" my mom exclaims in exasperation.

"To support me of course," Hayden explains.

At first I give him a long, telling look to spell out my disinterest, but then I reconsider.

"Is everyone who wants to be in the team trying out this morning? Even people already in it from last year?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Probably, yeah."

I smile. "Alright, I'm in."

Nothing quite like getting to watch Brent try to make the team again with itching powder in his underwear.


Wellington High's football field is packed with people. It's still early in the morning and the California sun is low in the sky. The field's grass is dewy and the old coach looks tired while sipping on his massive cup of coffee.

I'm pushing past parents and friends that have come to watch the tryouts until suddenly I spot Mia.

"Hey, Mia! Over here!" I say waving my hands in the air to get her attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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