Chapter 1- Day Of the Reaping

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A/N: I plan on posting a new chapter every Monday and Friday.  There will be no sexual scenes or swearing in this book.  You can leave comments with any suggestions or ideas if you'd like.  I am willing to take any ideas you have into mind and I'll give you credit for any ideas I use of yours!  I only ask that you only post positive things.  I understand if you don't like this fanfiction, but pease keep negative things to yourself.  

I woke up to the sound of the rushing ocean of District 4. I loved my district. It was beautiful here with the ocean and all. My mom always tells me that not all the districts had an ocean. I couldn't imagine that.

I climbed out of my bed and looked at myself. My beautiful blue silk pajamas were all ruffled and my chocolate brown hair a mess. I turn and scan the room.

It's really nice. The walls are a beautiful dark blue with a white trim. I looked around the room to the bed in the right corner. It has a blanket that is meant to look like the night sky. I smile thinking about the day I begged my mom to buy this, I was only seven. I turned toward the door and my eyes land on something. Above the door in shiny green letters, is one word. Finnick.

I let out a small laugh. My mom thought I was going to be a boy. Actually she was determined I was going to be a boy. My mom is a huge Finnick Odair fan. If I was a boy that was going to be my name.

I put my hand on the cool door handle and creep out into the hall. I walk down the hall and peer into my moms room. She was looking at something in her closet. Probably another Finnick Odair poster. I continue walking down the hall to the bathroom. I walk inside and start the shower. Only the richest districts have showers. I climbed in and enjoyed the warm water on my skin. I got my strawberry shampoo, washed my hair, and enjoy the sweet fragrance.

I climb out of the shower and see a dress hung on the small hook by the door. I bet my mom left it here for me. It's a beautiful shade of green and has a black braided belt with a silver buckle. I slip on the dress and put on my silver star necklace.

I hear footsteps and turn around to see my mom. "Oh you look beautiful, Aaliya," she says with a sweet smile. She pulls over a chair and motions for me to sit. I sit and she brushes my hair. I look in the mirror and see my mom is about to cry.

"Don't cry mom," I say "I'll be okay"

"I know," she says "You look so much like your father."

My father. He died before I was born. He was from the originaly Capital. He and my mom were going to get married after they found out she was pregnant . They were going to move in together at my moms house in District 4, and the Capital was mad. The Capital decided the best thing to do was just kill him, so they did.

She finishes braiding my hair and smiles. She gives me a small hug and walks downstairs. I walk downstairs and approach my mom. She was about to give me her annual speal about what to do if I get reaped, so I stop her.

"Mom this is my 5th reaping. I know what to do if I get reaped. I train, I get a trident, and I don't die." She's about to say something again but I stop her. "And if I get reaped and meet Finnick Odair then I convince him to send you an autograph." She smiles and lets out a small laugh. I kiss her on the cheek then she heads out the door.

I decide to leave a note just in case I get reaped. Dear Mom, I write,

I hope you never have to read this and I can be home with you tonight. But you know I'm 16 and my name is in that bowl a lot of times. Remember to eat and not just stare at me on the tv. Go out with your friends and swim with the turtles, just like you love to do. There is stew and baked apples with goat's milk for dinner. If I get reaped I could live. I can hunt and I excel with a trident. I'm smarter then the District 1 tributes who only care about murder and being pretty, and those District 2 tributes who only care about blood, death, and winning everything. I love you. Remember that.

Best Wishes,


I fold the letter and set it on the table. I hope she doesn't ever need to read that. I walk outside, lock the door, and head to the reaping.

When I get there a peacekeeper asks me for my finger. I give him my finger and they stab a little needle type machine into it, and put the blood on the paper. It doesn't hurt that much, probably because I'm used to it. They then tell me to go, and call for the next child. I turn and head over to the other sixteen year old girls and wait for the reaping to start.

First the mentours of the year came up. They will mentour this year's tributes before the games and help earn them sponsors. We have had the third most victors here in District 4; so our different mentours rotate each year. I watch as Finnick Odair and Tiana Richards come onto the stage and wave. They then take a seat next to our mayor. They must be the meteors this year.

Then the mayor came on stage and welcomed us to this year's reaping. I wasn't even paying attention to his speech, instead I was watching my mom back with the other adults. I couldn't help but give a small laugh and smile, my mom was totally fangirling. Suddenly Stacy Bridgeton, our escort, comes on stage in 8 inch heels and a bright blue wig that's even bigger than her heels. "Welcome, welcome," she says " To the reaping of the 74th annual Hunger Games." She plays a video about why they started these games. "Don't you just love that," she calls as she fixes the bright blue wig.

"First for the girls," she says. She fumbles around in the big crystal bowl and pulls out a little paper with gold sealing. I pray it's not me. She taps on the microphone twice and in a big old capital accent she starts to read the paper. "The girl tribute who will represent District 4 in the 74th annual Hunger Games is Aaliya Camron." I feel my head spin as I walk to the stage. I try to look as confident as possible, but that's more difficult than it seems. My head is spinning so fast I don't even hear who the boy tribute is. They tell me to shake hands with the boy tribute. It's like we were congratulating each other for going to die. I don't dare look up at his face because I don't want to have to see who I will have to kill.

A peacekeeper comes and grabs my arm. I am thrown into a room to wait for people to come say goodbye. My mom. She comes in and hugs me and sobbs into my shoulder until the peacekeepers take her away. "I love you," she calls. I try to say it back but I can't form the words.

I hear footsteps and turn around. "It's time to leave," a peacekeeper says. He comes up, grabbing my arm, and starts pulling me away.

I rip my arm away and say "I don't need your help," with as much sass and confidence as possible. I know that will be on tv later, and that comment would make me seem tougher than I did on stage. The peacekeeper looks shocked. I walk out to the train, go inside, and watch myself speed away from District 4. 

A/N: Thanks for reading!  Chapter 2 will be posted Friday!

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