Chapter 6- Interviews

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I walk around the tree and see a boy sitting there. "Go get him, Aaliya," says a tall boy with dreamy eyes. Marvel. He hands me his sword and I put the cool metal in the palm of my hand. I sneak up behind the other boy, the point of the sword on his back. The boy flinches and sits up straight. Before he can arm himself, I push my sword through his back. Another kill, I would be the victor soon. The boy that was the victim of my sword rolled onto his back, his chest moving ever so slightly.

"I trusted you, Aaliya. I loved you", the boy says with his final effort of life. His eyes find my face as they glaze over. Brady. I just killed my best friend.

I wake up screaming, tears running down my face. I push my face deep into the feather pillows. What if my dreams came true? What if I kill Brady?

I lay here for what seems like hours, tears still streaking down my face, when someone wraps their arms around me. "What's wrong, Aaliya?" someone says in my ear. "It's okay. I'm here now. Talk to me," says the boy I know could only be Brady. He grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him. "Tell me," he says and wipes a tear from my face.

"Well," I begin. "I had this dream. It was in the games and I saw someone sitting there and some guy told me to go get them. They gave me a sword and I stabbed the boy in the back. It was you Brady." I say slowly, another tear falling down my cheek. "You said I betrayed you. Those words cut deeper than a knife."

Brady pulls me closer into his arms. "It was just a dream. It's not real," he says and kisses my forehead. "Look at me Aaliya." I pull away and look into his eyes. "I've been wanting to ask you something. Do you want to be my ally in the games? You don't have to!! I just thought we could protect each other. Because, well, I-"

"Of course I want to be your ally, Brady," I say and hug him even tighter. "I just don't want my dream to come true." I can tell he's smiling, even though I can't see his face.

"Come on you two, get dressed. We have to start your interview training soon!!" Finnick yells and pops a sugarcube into his mouth.

"I better go. See ya' soon!!" Brady says running out the door to catch up to Finnick. I let out a small laugh.

I decide to take a shower this morning before I have to start today's training. When I finish I see someone has left an outfit for me by the sink. That's weird, I never heard anyone come in.

I pull on the teal tank top along with the black jeans. There was a thick braided bracelet the colors of the sea of District 4. I pull it on along with the rose gold watch. The final touch was a pair of ocean blue sandals. It was a great outfit, no way Stacy picked it out. I wonder who did? I brush my hair quickly and head down to breakfast.

When I get to breakfast everyone else is already there, talking quietly about something. "What'd I miss?" I ask taking a seat beside Brady.

"Like the outfit I picked out for you? You look good in it," Brady whispers. I nod and raise my eyebrows slightly. Brady picked this out?

"I was just beginning to explain the schedule for today." Finnick says and I nod focusing again. "As I was saying, you'll each have four hours with Stacy for presentation and four hours with me for content. You'll start with Stacy, Aaliya."

I can't imagine what Stacy could teach me for four hours, but she has me working down to the last second. We go to my room and she puts me in a full-length gown, and a pair of high heeled shoes, not the ones I'll actually be wearing for the interviews, and instructs me on walking. The worst part is the shoes. I've never worn heels and can't get used to wobbling around on the balls of my feet. But Stacy runs around in them full time, so I'm determined if she can do it, so can I.

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