Chapter 3- The Tribute Parade

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I continue holding Brady's hand until he pulls it away. He grabs me and embraces me in his arms. We stay like this, too scared to move, until Tiana comes for me.

"Ok lovebirds," she says. I blush and wiggle out of Brady's arms. "I need Aaliya to come with me to meet her stylists. Brady, Finnick will come get you and take you to your stylist any minute." She grabs my hand and starts pulling me away.

"Good Luck!" I hear Brady call as Finnick drags him away. I don't turn back because I'm too embarrassed to look at him.

"Sorry if I embarrassed you back there. I just needed to get your attention. I know you're not in love," Tiana says as she pulls me along the hall. I nod my head.

We near a door and a lady with pink skin walkes out and comes towards me. "They better not dye my skin pink," I mutter, just loud enough for Tiana to hear.

"They won't," Tiana calls as she hands me over to the lady.

The lady brings me into the room where there are two other people waiting. One has a gold wig and I decide to call her Goldie. The other has nine inch heels so I will name her Heels. I will call the one who brought me in Pinkie.

Goldie brings me over to a giant wash bin and undresses me. "Get in," she says and pushes me forward. I cautiously put one foot in and slowly lower myself in. Then things get crazy. Suddenly a million arms come at with different soaps and fizzes. My hair is washed with a nasty smelling shampoo and they pour in a fizz that makes my skin feel itchy.

Pinkie and Heels lift me up and the hot air blasts me. Goldie puts me in a robe the color of her hair. They lead me over to a silver table and push me on to it.

I wonder what Brady's being put through right now. My thoughts are answered by a scream that could only be Brady.

"Be quiet boy. My waxing doesn't hurt!!" That could only be his stylist. I look up to see Pinkie holding a stick with wax on it. I swear she waxes my whole body until all my skin is raw.

"It's time to bring you to Katrina," Goldie says. She motions for me to follow her and she leads me down to a set of doors. "In you go," she says and pushes me through the door.

I walk in and Goldie shuts the door. " Hello, my name is Katrina, you must be Aaliya. Come over here and we'll get started," Katrina says.

Katrina looks beautiful. She has shoulder length brown hair curled around her head. She has on a silver eyeshadow with glittery mascara and light pink lipstick. Around her neck is a gold chain with a little bird. She is wearing a light pink dress that ruffles around the edge. She also has a pair of small heels that are white.

"Come here sweetie," she says. "We have some food for you to eat while I do your hair."

I walk over and see a chair with a plate full of food. There is rack of lamb, potatoes, peas, and a couple of cream puffs. I eat while Katrina braids my hair into two ponytails.

"How do you like your hair," Katrina asks. "Is it too much?" she asks worriedly.

"It's beautiful," I say. " I was expecting something like Stacy Bridgetons hair. This is way more of my style." I say and let out a little laugh. Katrina smiles clearly relieved. I bet it's her first year as a stylist.

I finish eating and Katrina brings me over to a small table. "It's time for makeup!" she says. She must have seen the worried look on my face because she says, "Don't worry it won't be like Stacy Brindgetons."

She puts a clear lipgloss on my lips. It is followed by a shimmery pink blush. "Next for the eyes," Katrina says. She puts on a natural color eyeshadow with thin black eyeliner. Then she puts on a deep black mascara.

"Do you like it?" She asks, clearly unsure again.

"Stop doubting yourself," I say with a smile. "It's really pretty. I'm not lying." She smiles.

"Next we have to get you dressed. We're all supposed to dress you in something that goes with your district."

"So you're going to dress me as a fish," I say.

"Not exactly," she replies. Katrina walks over behind a curtain and comes back with the outfit in her hand. It was a turquoise dress with a blue sash flowing from the arm across the stomach attached with a starfish. There was also a piece of shimmery fabric flowing from the back with an attached headpiece.

"Oh my gosh Katrina. It's beautiful!" I exclaim. She smiles and hands it to me to try on. I slip it on and it is so comfortable. The dress goes down to my ankles and flows like the ocean. The crown on my head is made of beautiful gemstones. "Wow Katrina. This is the most beautiful thing I've worn."

Katrina smiles and blushes a crisomen red. "I'm glad you like it. Now come on, we have to go get you and your district partner ready for the parade."

We walk out of the building and go out to a courtyard. There are 12 floats with beautiful horses ready to pull them. The carriages are black with a gold handle. The horses are black with silver bridles attaching them to the carriage.

I walk over to a carriage and pet the horses. "What are you doing with my horses," a girl with blonde hair and a shimmery pink dress says.

"I'm sorry I-"

"Come on Glimmer," a boy says "Don't be mean to the pretty little girl," he says. He is wearing a similar outfit as Glimmer, just not a dress. Before I can look up at his face someone starts pulling me away.

"Get away from these losers," Brady says as he pulls me away. I look back at the tributes and I realise they must be from District 1. The girl, Glimmer, is waving her hair around and fluttering her eyelashes trying to get the boy to look at her. I look at the boy and see he is smirking at me. I stare back and feel heat rise to my cheeks.

"What the heck was all that mushy gushy smiling and twirling your hair all about. He's going to die Aaliya, you hear me?? DIE!!! DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!" Brady was yelling now but I wasn't paying attention. I feel Brady start to pull me away again. The boy from District 1 turns and jumps onto his carriage.

I turn away and climb on to my own carriage. I hold on to the gold handle and the Panem Anthem starts to play. District 1 starts to roll out. About two minutes later District 2 pulls out. They are wearing battle armor. "Cato! Clove! Stop! You forgot your extra makeup!" The fancy lady yells who could only be their stylists.

"Ready?" Brady asks me as the District 3 carriage starts to pull out.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I reply. My hands are shaking. "What if they don't like me. I won't get any sponsors, they won't give me food, I'll die on the first day of the Hunger Games and no one will even remember me," I whisper just loud enough for Brady to hear.

"How could someone ever not like you. I've known you for two days and I like you. You won't die. I'll make sure of that," He says. He grabs my hand and gives me his crooked smile. Our carriage pulls out and I watch as a million people in the stands start clapping. "See? They love you," Brady says and I smile at him.

We keep riding until we reach a gold circle below where President Snow is standing. When all of the carriages are here Snow begins to say a speech.

I don't pay attention, instead I glance at all the tributes. There are the tributes from District 1 first. The boy looks really strong, but the girl looks kind of weak and annoying. The ones from District 2 look - WOW. The boy, Cato, is strong and fierce. The girl, Clove, looks small but deadly. I know I need to watch for her. The next person who stands out is the girl from District 5. She has red hair and her face is sly like a fox. I can tell she is smart. Next would be District 11. The boy is tall and muscular but looks friendly, unlike Cato. The girl looks small and could only be 12 years old. It was so unfair that she was brought into this mess. The only other noticeable ones are the tributes from 12 who are currently on fire.

Snow finishes his speech and tells us we can go to our rooms. Brady and I walk over to the elevator and our mentors join us. The doors slowly start to shut and I see the boy from District 1 smirking at me again. I stare into his gray eyes, the doors close, and I feel my heart melt away.

A/N: Chapter 4 up Friday!  

Running With The Careers- A Hunger Games FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now