Chapter 15- Hunting Thresh

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"How long do you think there is until Thresh finds Marvel?" I ask Cato as we run deeper into the woods.

"I don't know," Cato says. "Probably tomorrow morning. It's already dark now. I bet he knows the night is our turf. I still think we need to find him."

"I agree. C'mon, let's keep going."

We keep running through the woods, switching directions every couple minutes. "I think we've checked everywhere," Cato sighs, trying to catch his breath.

"I know, but the anthem will play soon. We need to find him before then. Wait, Cato, that's a footprint," I say, squinting to get a good look at it in the dark.

"What if it's not Marvels?"

"Don't worry about that, Cato. I've got my trident and you've got your sword. Plus Clove's knives."

So Cato and I follow the trail with our weapons raised. If it's not Marvel then at least a different tribute will die tonight and we'll be closer to the end of this mess. With our luck it'll be Katniss and we'll have a full fledged murder session in the middle of the night.

The footprints were not not from Katniss. They're not from Peeta. Not Thresh or Foxface. They're from Marvel.

I run to him, dropping my trident as I run. When I get to him he turns around with a smile and I jump into his arms. "Miss me much?" Marvel says.

"Oh Marvel," I sob, ignoring how cocky he's being.

"What's wrong?" he asks, looking down at me.

"Kiss me."

"Of course," he says, then he kisses me.

"Woah, woah, woah. When did this happen?" Cato asks as he emerges.

"The night of the rule change," I say, turning to face him.

"Five days and you're kissing that much?" he asks as he sits down.

"Cato, if you like someone out here you better make a move quickly because only one of us is coming out of here."

"True," he sighs. "I learned that the hard way. I only got three kisses and one I love you." I know he's talking about Clove, but Marvel isn't paying attention. Instead, he's trying to look at something, or find something, behind Cato.

"Where's Clove?" Marvel asks. "Did she stay at the cornucopia?"

"Marvel," I sigh. "Clove's gone."

"What do you mean gone?"

I don't look at him. I know the news will hurt him.

"Aaliya," he growls. "What do you mean she's gone?"

I don't answer him.

"Answer me!" he yells.

"She's dead, Marvel! She's dead!" I yell.

Marvel's face sinks and his eyes well with tears. Instantly I know I was too harsh with the news. "I didn't get to say good-bye!" he sobs, sinking to his knees. "She was my best friend and she's dead!"

I fall to my knees holding back my tears to appear stronger for him. I got to say good-bye to Clove, I needed to put myself in his shoes. Cato just walks farther into the tree line, leaving us alone.

"Marvel, I'm sorry." I whisper, dropping to my knees beside him.

"Did she mention me at all?" he asks.

"She did. She told me to give you a hug for her. She said you gave the best hugs."

Marvel laughs between sobs. "Was she in pain? When it happened?"

Running With The Careers- A Hunger Games FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now