1. Mysterious and Alluring

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Verity Claremonte was dafter than a moth who'd flown into a street lamp, Prim decided. She braced her hands on the vanity and sucked in a deep breath as her handmaiden tightened the lacings on her corset. "Mama, if Hilde tightens this anymore, my eyes will pop straight out of my head," Prim groaned.

"They'll do no such thing. You must look your best, Primalia. We all must. Isn't that right, my darling?" Verity bent down and pinched Thomas' chubby cheeks. Prim rolled her eyes as her little brother shrieked and smacked their mother's hand. "I've spoken to Lady Farrel. You'll be betrothed to her son tonight after the ceremony."

Prim pursed her lips. Hilde tugged on her undergarments and petticoats, before retrieving her ball gown. "Tristan Farrel is so boorish, Mama. Isn't there some other eligible man I can be betrothed to?"

"You've turned down all the other proposals you received. You're twenty-two years old, Primalia. If you're not married by the end of the year, I fear you'll never marry at all."

"Mama, you and Father were married when you were twenty-four."

Verity huffed and settled into a chair. "And I was very lucky to receive his proposal. At least some good will come of it, assuming King Nikolaus appoints him Crown Prince." She pulled Thomas onto her lap and pinched his cheeks again. "Then my little Thomas will be a Prince when the King dies."

Prim rolled her eyes again. "And your little Prim," she threw extra emphasis onto her name, "will be stuck in a marriage with a man who turns red and sweats every time he stands next to her."

"It's because you make him nervous, Dear. If you'd smile more, he would be at ease."

"I don't believe that's the issue, Mama. He never looks at my face. His attention is usually fixated just above my neckline." Prim turned away and let Hilde fasten the final laces on her gown. "What does Father have to say about this match?"

"He gave his blessing." Verity licked her hand and smoothed down Thomas' curly strawberry blonde hair.

It was the only resemblance he and Prim bore. Thomas was five years old and a rather rotund child, whereas Prim was slender. Thomas had dull brown eyes. Prim's were sage green. Thomas was pasty and cried whenever Verity took him outside. Prim was freckled from days spent walking along the harbor.

Hilde began to twist Prim's tresses into an elaborate updo. Prim fastened diamond bracelets around her wrists and put on her matching earrings. Verity set Thomas down and fetched a diamond necklace. She pushed Hilde aside and clasped it around Prim's neck.

"Hurry up, Hilde," Verity scolded as she stepped back. "We're due at the palace in thirty minutes." Her charcoal gown swished at her feet as she breezed out of the room.

Hilde stuck a few diamond combs into Prim's locks, pinning them in place. "I wish you good fortunes in your upcoming engagement, my lady," Hilde murmured.

"Thank you." Prim drummed her fingers atop the vanity and sighed. "Maybe I'll be lucky and Tristan will somehow become a prince."

"He's as rich as one already, I should imagine."

"I disagree. Everyone knows of his father's gambling debts. Tristan has yet to pay them off, and then there's his own to contend with. Mama is more foolish than I thought if she thinks this marriage will bring us any level of respect."

"All marriages are riddled with complications. Perhaps your future children will make up for that."

Prim gagged at the thought. "Let's not talk about that, Hilde. I'd rather not think of Tristan in that manner."

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