45. Different Sails, Same Flag

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    "Keep an eye on her," Alexander ordered as he entered the walls of the Crypt.

    Guards took up their positions around Prim. She eyed the execution square warily. It was a courtyard adjoined to the Crypt and surrounded by towering stone walls. There were a few platforms in the square, holding chopping blocks, nooses, and more. A cart load of sharp rocks sat nearby.

    People milled about in the stands that lined the walls. Prim watched them in disgust. Who wants to watch an execution for fun? They treat it like a carnival. She was grateful that there were no children in attendance, at least.

    Prim walked towards the stands and kept an eye out for anyone familiar. The narrow walkways between stands were crammed full. Somehow, her guards managed to keep up with her. Prim stumbled against someone and Benny yowled in her arms.

    "Oh, I'm sorry," Prim said.

    "No worries, Love." A short young woman smiled at her. "These boys with you?" She looked past Prim's shoulders at the guards.

    "Unfortunately," Prim sighed.

    "You must be the Princess, then." The woman brought her face close to Prim's and kissed her cheek. Before withdrawing she whispered, "Different sails, same flag." Prim blinked in confusion as the woman turned her attention to the kitten. "What a darling creature. Is it yours?"

    "No, he's my daughter's."

    "Ah, and where is the little dear?" The woman tossed a long red braid over her shoulder.

    The guards inched closer to Prim. "With her father."

    The woman nodded, a clever gleam in her brown eyes. "My husband is just over there." She pointed to a tall man across the courtyard.

    Prim recognized the man he was speaking to. Pops! The crew is here. The woman looped her arm through Prim's and they began to walk. The guards were close, but not too close. "Who are you?" Prim whispered.

    "Scarlet Minx. Captain Flynn's first mate is speaking to Malcolm Hugo. We aren't actually married," Scarlet laughed with a wink.

    "That phrase you said..."

    "A code amongst pirates. We use it to let others know that we come in peace. I imagine you never heard it spoke aboard the Leviathan. Pirates rarely visit Captain Flynn in peace. Today is one of those rare days, however. Captain Venus is scouting for Blight and Archer's ships. Hopefully, they won't show up to pose a problem."

    "Did Pops explain our plan?"

    "Aye, he did. Don't worry. We'll make sure Captain Flynn gets out of here in one piece. You and the little girl too."

    Prim let Scarlet take Benny. "Give him to Ms. Harriet. She'll take care of him."

    "Of course." Scarlet took Benny, then gripped Prim's wrist. "Are you a pirate today, Primalia? If you are, you are one of us and an enemy to everyone else here. If you are not..."

    "I'll be whatever the hell I have to be if it will save Caspian," Prim replied. "Including a pirate."

    Scarlet smiled. "I think I'm going to like you." She pressed something into Prim's hand and bustled off.

    Prim tucked Pops' small pistol in her bodice. She had no idea where Scarlet had retrieved it, but it didn't matter. One of the guards gripped her shoulder. "It's time," he said.

    "So it is." Prim let them lead her back down to the main execution square.

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