3. Filthy Swinish Pirates

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Shots whizzed through the air around them. Prim squeezed her eyes shut as Captain Flynn returned fire. He dug his heels into the horse's sides, urging it on faster. Prim forced herself to open her eyes. They were approaching the harbor. A longboat waited near one of the docks. Another man sat inside it.

The horses skidded to a stop. Captain Flynn pushed Prim off the saddle and into the arms of their companion. She struggled as the man carried her to the longboat. "Keep an eye on her, Pops. She can swim." Captain Flynn called. He flicked the reins and took off.

The man, Pops, dropped her into the bottom of the longboat. "Where's the Captain going?" The second stranger asked.

"You know the Captain. He won't be leaving until everyone else is. Let's get moving." Pop's eyes gleamed as he glanced at Prim. He bent over and blew out the lantern that sat by her feet. "Mind your manners, Lassie, and don't be doing anything foolish."

Prim couldn't answer. The gag was still in her mouth. The boat swayed as the second man rowed away from the docks. Prim closed her eyes, fighting back tears. Pirates! I've been kidnapped by pirates!

She kept her eyes closed until she felt the boat stop. Pops nudged her shoulder. "Your hands, Lass."

Prim held her hands out. He undid the rag bindings and pointed behind her. She turned and came face to face with a large ship. A ladder had been thrown over the side. Pops nudged her again. She pulled the gag from her mouth and begrudgingly started to climb. Pops followed her up.

A dark hand grabbed her wrist and helped her over the railing when she reached the deck. Prim didn't bother with thanks. Her heartbeat quickened as she looked around. Dozens of crew members ran across the deck. Some were untying ropes. Others carried rifles and positioned themselves along the deck rails. A pulley creaked as the longboat was lifted out of the Gulf waters. Two flags flew above the sails on the main mast. One was black with a skull and crossbones, the colors of a pirate. The other was also black, but bore the illustration of a blue sea serpent.

The Leviathan, Prim realized. I was right. He is Captain Flynn. Pops pushed Prim forward. He led her across the deck to a room situated just below the helm of the ship. He opened the door and clapped a pair of iron shackles around her wrists as she entered.

"You'll stay here until the Captain returns," Pops said. Prim gave no reply. She gulped, struggling to fight back tears. "You'll be all right, Lass," he added, a touch gentler. The door closed and she heard it being locked from the outside.

Prim examined the room warily. She was alone. A hammock swung on one side of the room. A bed was bolted to the floor on the other. Between them sat a desk, covered with an assortment of maps and papers. A hat rested on the back of the desk chair. Several shelves were bolted to the walls. Prim spied a doorknob. She tugged the door open, revealing a closet. Several ladies' gowns hung inside. She opened the next closet and found men's clothing.

Prim wracked her brain for what little she knew about ships. "This must be the Captain's quarters," she murmured. "If so, there's bound to be weapons somewhere." She began to search, prying open drawers and sifting through the closets again. She tapped her feet on the creaky floorboards, hoping to uncover a hidden weapon. Her search yielded nothing.

Prim ran her hands across the Captain's desk. Her fingers brushed against a metal object. She grabbed the letter opener and hunkered down in a corner. Prim fitted the letter opener into the locks on her manacles. She jiggled it around in an attempt to pick the lock.

Footsteps thumped just outside the door. Prim fell still and listened. "Is she secured?" Captain Flynn was asking.

"Aye, Sir." The speaker was unfamiliar.

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