23. Unsinkable

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Sweat ran down Prim's face and back. Her muscles groaned as she lifted the sword, circling Charlie. His own dark skin was slick with sweat as well. The day was growing steadily hotter, as each day before had. They'd been sailing for three days without spotting any Royal Valencian ships or Valor's Blight.

Charlie smirked at her, flashing his brilliant white teeth. "What are you waiting for?"

Prim threw herself at him. She swiped at his shoulder. Charlie blocked high and threw in a blow with his elbow. Prim managed to block it. She twisted around Charlie, raining down blows. He caught them all effortlessly.

"Am I ever going to be able to beat you?" Prim panted.

Charlie's smile widened. "No, but you might get close."

She slipped beneath his arm and dug her elbow up beneath his shoulder blade. Charlie yelped, his grip loosening. Thinking quickly, Prim kicked back, driving her foot into his wrist. His sword went flying across the deck while her own leveled at his neck. Prim tossed her hair over her shoulder. "You were saying?"

"Well done, Lass!" Pops called.

"Put Charlie in his place!" Jesp added with a laugh.

Prim sheathed her sword and grinned. Charlie recovered his own. "Good job. I didn't expect that move."

"I didn't expect it either," Prim admitted. "I just did the first thing that came to mind."

They sat on the stairs. Prim picked up her water canteen and drank slowly. Charlie followed suit. "I'm glad you decided to start sparring again."

"I didn't have much of a choice. The Captain sent Caleb after me to make sure I kept up with practice," Prim sighed.

She practiced shooting in the mornings, sometimes with loaded pistols, and sword fighting in the afternoon. She no longer practiced with Caspian, for which she was grateful. They never spoke to each other longer than they had to anymore.

"Why did you stop in the first place?" Charlie asked.

"After I killed that man, even the thought of holding a weapon made me want to throw up."

Charlie took one of her hands and squeezed it gently. "I know the feeling. There are times when I've considered throwing myself overboard because of the guilt of taking a life."

"That seems like it would be counter productive," Prim said. "The crew would just rescue you."

Charlie shrugged. "Not if you hit the water in the right spot. If you land close to the ship's hull, she'll suck you under and you'll drown. Or, the barnacles will tear you to shreds and your blood will attract a manner of large creatures."

Prim shuddered at the thought. "That doesn't seem pleasant."

"Hence why I'm still here."

"Well, I'm glad you are."

Charlie smiled. Prim returned it, then lifted her gaze to the helm. Caspian was blatantly ignoring them. She could see his tensed shoulders, though, and knew he'd seen their hands. Prim narrowed her eyes as a small hand appeared atop the wheel. Caspian looked down, speaking quietly. A moment later, Kitty wrapped her legs around his waist as he lifted her. She grabbed onto the wheel with one hand, holding on to Caspian with the other.

"Kitty comes updeck more," Charlie said, noticing her stare.

"I've noticed." Prim looked away. She cursed the way her heart still kicked at her sternum.

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