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(A/N) - This is my first fanfic that I've ever posted on here so it may be trash. Please keep in mind that I'm not the best writer, so please no hate. Thank you and I hope you enjoy😌


Ok so as you know from the title this is an OC x reader, so to give you guys a visual of that she looks like, basically think of Gojo Satoru (did I spell that right) from Jujutsu Kaisen as a female child lmao.

TW: Mentions of abuse and sexual harassment.


The cold air surrounding the young girl made her body shiver as she laid down on the hard, damp floor. Her tiny body finally decided that it would give up after months of little to no food. How she survived was unknown, as any other normal person would've died long before her.

Her muscles frozen in place, even as she tries to get up. They just wouldn't listen.

The way her head was positioned made her able to look out the bars that separated her from the outside world. She always longed to see what it looked like, what color the grass and trees were, what animals roamed the ground.

But now she realized that she would never be able to. Her breathing was shallow and her eyes drooped. Maybe they would finally come bring her food?

She highly doubted it, as the only reason they come see the girl is to form more bruises or scars on her skin. They would touch the girl inappropriately and beat her until they filled their own desires. They were truly evil. But the young girl didn't know that. She thought that all people were probably like this, getting their enjoyment form people that were below them, considering that these men were the only people she's ever met.

The brown cloth that was supposedly her clothes stuck to her skin, failing to provide her any warmth.

She just laid there when she heard a loud bang coming from upstairs. She couldn't even jump if she wanted to.

After a few seconds of gun shots and yelling it was silent and footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. She started to shake more, eyes watering. Even though she's been at this hellish place for all her life, she still gets terrified.

But what she saw was not what she was expecting. It was a woman. She had brown hair that was pulled up in a ponytail. She had  glasses and her nose was hooked.

Behind her was two men that she hasn't seen before. The taller one had blond hair that was nicely combed and rather nice eyes compared to the other man. The shorter man had raven hair and cold, grayish eyes.

Salty tears now dripped from her eyes.

The woman gasped, finally seeing the young girl that was laying on the ground. The taller man unlocked the door and walked over with the two others behind him.

He could see how terrified she looked, so he slowly crouched down. "Hello, what is your name?" he asked in the kindest voice he could register.

Though she didn't respond, instead, she closed her eyes.

The three were confused for a second, until the blond swiftly picked her up and ran outside onto his own horse. "Let's go," he simply said, and they rode off.


The child woke up to yet another chamber. Did they move move me? She shook her head and this thought. They haven't moved her into a different cell in years, let alone an actual decently cleaned one.

She hid under the blanket and started to shake  once again as she heard footsteps.

"Levi, why did we have to put her in a cage? She's just a child, there's no way she could harm us. And imagine how scared she must be!" A woman's voice echoed off the brick walls as they got near.

"Will you shut up?" Another voice was heard by the girl, making her flinch and her breath to quicken at the cold tone.

She sealed her eyes shut as the room suddenly got quiet.

"Hey sweetie! Don't worry we're not here to hurt you." The woman's voice was now quiet and calming. Having never seen another female in her life, she only slightly pulled the covers down, causing the two to only see her eyes.

The brown headed gasped loudly as the short man on her left did the same, only for his to be not so loud, his face as stoic as ever.

"HOLY- DO YOU SEE THIS LEVI?! HER EYES ARE BEAUTIFUL! AND HER HAIR-" the short man slapped the back of her head, causing her to shut up.

"Shut up, four-eyes. Your giving me a headache," Levi growled.

"What's your name?"

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