☁︎︎It was her?☁︎︎

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The boy was sitting outside under a tree, hoping to claim any shade there was. He sat with one leg straight and the other bent, his knee facing the scorching sun. His hair stuck to his face with the help of the sticky sweat that damped his clothes, the droplets dripping down his neck and face.

His gaze stuck to two figures that stood across the field, how they were still standing was unknown to him, for he had dropped a while ago. No. He did know how they kept doing hand-to-hand combat even in this hot, melting weather. They were simply more motivated. One had his mom killed by a Titan, and the other set her life goal to keep the boy safe.

Jean on the other hand originally wanted to be in the military police for his own selfish reasons. To stay away from danger. But somehow the boy who he thought was stupid for risking his life for something so unrealistic changed his mind and convinced Jean to side with him, maybe even giving him some hope that humanity can be saved.

 Jean couldn't help but think about yesterday evening when, for the first time in weeks, he felt utterly helpless. And more so terrified. He shifted in his spot on the ground.

Yeah, he was one hundred percent sure Azura was the cause. Jean sighed and lifted off the ground, dusting the dirt off of his pants before heading off to Commander Erwin's office.

"Jean? You're supposed to be outside training. Do you need anything?" Erwin stated.

Jean bows, "I'm sorry for intruding, sir. But I have something important to tell you." He paused for a second before continuing. "It's about Azura."

Jean had Erwin's full attention now. He put down his pen and sat up in his chair. "Please, sit down." The blond-haired man pointed to the chair that sat on the other side of the desk. Jean complied and sat down. He fidgeted in his spot. The higher-ups always made him nervous. He took a deep breath and began.

"Yesterday evening Connie, Sasha, and I went to Captain Levi's office. When we opened the door we found Levi sitting there with Azura in his arms, hysterically crying. Captain didn't seem to know how to calm her down, so I walked up to her wanting to help." Jean's voice began to waver so he paused and took another deep breath. "But when I was about to pick her up something happened."

Erwin raised a brow at how Jean was acting. He almost seemed...scared. What could have possibly happened to make Jean act like this? "What happened, Jean?" Erwin softly asked.

Jean looked up at him then down to his lap, his knuckles white from holding them together too tight. "All of a sudden my senses randomly vanished."

"What do you mean?"

"I could hear, touch, smell, see or taste anything. M-my senses just... gone. But then after a few seconds, they came back. I think I was the only one who lost them because everyone was acting normal when they came back. They were just confused as to why I fell."

Once Jean finished explaining he looked up at his Commander again, expecting him to not believe him. I mean, who would?

But instead of disbelief on his face, it showed amazement. His eyes were wide with a small smile that showed on his lips. Though once he realized what he was doing he quickly snapped out of it. "So you think it was Azura? Well, that's the only thing that makes sense, considering that it can't be the others. We also don't know much about her." Erwin furrowed his eyebrows. "Thank you for telling me this, Jean. Please do not tell anyone about this yet. You can go."

Jean stood up and bowed. "Thank you."


"Hey, Eren?" Mikasa called out.

"Yeah?" They were on babysitting duty for today. Azura sat on the kitchen table, looking down at her hands with a frown.

"What is Azura doing?" Mikasa questions as she scooted closer to her, confused by her solemn look. Azura has been sitting there staring at her fingers for a while now. Her hand hasn't moved an inch since they came in.

"Are your hands ok? Did you hurt them?" Eren softly asks as he also moves closer. He reaches out for her hand but stops when she flinches and pulls them away. She looks at Eren with wide eyes and shakes her head left to wide vigorously.

"No?" Eren mumbles to himself in confusion. "So they're not hurting? Orrrr..." The girl pointed to her hands, then pointed to Eren and Mikasa, then shook her head once again.

"We can't touch them?" The girl concludes. Azura nods her head.

Mikasa was about to say something else but was cut off by the cafeteria doors opening, revealing Erwin, Levi, and Hange. "Sorry to interrupt, but can we take Azura from you?" Erwin asked in almost a rushed tone. Mikasa didn't object and handed Azura to Erwin.

When they got to the office they locked the door. Erwin sat in his chair while Hange sat on the couch beside the wall, and Levi sat in the chair in front of the desk.

Azura was sitting on the desk, holding her hands together and rocking back and forth in a playful manner.

"So you said it happened after she got upset?" Erwin spoke up and looked over to Levi, who was nodding his head.

"Right after Jean fell she stopped crying. Sasha took her from me, but I could tell that Azura was surprised about what happened." Levi sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Meaning that she didn't know she was capable of doing such a thing."

Levi nodded his head as Erwin finished for him. After a few seconds of silence, Hange spoke up for the first time.

"So does this mean that I can do some tests on her?!"

"No," Levi and Erwin protested.

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