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Much to Azura's dismay, no one had the time to hang out with her today. Apparently, they were busy getting ready for an upcoming trip that was located outside of the walls.

Of course, when she heard that they were going on a trip she asked if she could join along, though she was rejected and was told that it was far too dangerous for a little girl like her.

"I'm sorry, Azura. But you can't join us. Some things can hurt you out there, so it's best if you stay here," Armin explained to the pouting child.

She was going to be lenient on asking to go, but once she heard the word "hurt" she stayed silent and just nodded with a frown.

Too many bad memories flashed through her mind. Azura doesn't exactly know how something can hurt her out there, all she knows is that anything associated with the word is not to be messed with.

So now, she was looking out the window, gazing at the different colored horses that were being mounted by the soldiers. The white-haired girl watches as Eren, Mikasa, and Armin talk to themselves as they get their gear ready.

Azura admired their friendship, as she never once had something like it. Being locked up all her life was to blame, she thought. Though she was also sure she wouldn't have many friends even if she wasn't locked away. Children her age would probably keep away and whisper to their friends about how her appearance was so different from theirs.

People these days hate others that are different in any way. They look down upon them as if they're better. As if being unique offends them.

But these people were different.

The soldiers instead took her in. They look after her and care for her as if she's one of them. And most importantly, Azura actually feels safe with them.

The thumping of the horse's hooves hitting the ground eventually comes to an end as they ride farther and farther away. The little girl realizes that she's alone.

Armin did say that they left someone to look after her. But she forgot their name and what they looked like.

"Azura." The girl yanked her head to the speaker who was standing at the doorway. It was a man who had short light brown hair and equally brown eyes. He stood at a decent height and was standing in the doorway, looking at the blue-eyed girl with a soft smile.

Azura ignored the smile and scooted into the corner. The sudden mood change of the girl made the man frown. He's heard about Azura quite a lot from Hange, as he was her personal assistant. So, of course, he knew what her situation was. Because of this, he tried to be as inviting as he could.

"I'm Moblit, Hange's personal assistant."

Azura piped up as she heard him tell her his name. The little girl has heard that name before. She was listening to Hange talk to Levi about who knows what a while back when she heard it. It was safe to say it piqued her interest, for all she knew the only people Hange talked to was Levi, Erwin, and the scouts.

Azura studied the man, seeming to decide whether or not he can be trusted. Her gaze finally reaches his and she slowly nods. Moblit felt quite accomplished at this and smiled.

Maybe this would be easier than he attended?


He was wrong. As soon as he took so much as a step towards her a look of fear struck her face. And it mirrored onto his.

Moblit fell onto his knees and then was fully on the ground in 5 seconds. The man couldn't feel his legs, though he sure could feel his heart thumping out of his heart.

Hange warned him about this, even though she wasn't supposed to tell anyone. She told him about what she was capable of and how it can be triggered. Hange also told him that even though she was unable to control the power just yet, whatever sense you lose corresponds to whatever she was fearing.

The smart man quickly figured out why he lost feeling in his legs, for she was scared for him to get any closer.

Moblit took a deep breath and looked up at the little girl whose face was stricken with fear. Her hands were shaking, though she seemed as still as ever.

After a few minutes of just laying there, he could finally stand up. If Hange were here she would be laughing her head off to the floor-ridden man.

"I'm...sorry," was heard as a small whisper from the girl. She was looking down at her feet as if it was the most interesting thing.

"It's okay," the man reassures, waving his hands. "It's all good."

He then explains who he was and why he was there as if he wasn't just taken down by a small child. He noticed Azura getting a bit less tense as he spoke which made him happy.

As for the little girl, she was confused as to why the man didn't question what happened or didn't run off as Jean had. She didn't think too much of it, though. The thoughts were quickly pushed out of her mind when Moblit invited her to come with him. Earlier, she would have shaken her head and refused right away. However, since she now knows that he's close friends with Hange, she was at ease. It still didn't stop her from staying nearly a whole 8 feet away from him at all times. He didn't question it though.


Throughout the day Moblit has somehow entertained Azura without her freaking out again. He did most of the talking, but Azura listened. She's hung out with Hange before, so this is nothing.

Later on, she asked Moblit when the scouts were coming back, and he said they should be back today and that the trip they planned wasn't a long one. After a day of Azura following him around and him blabbering about things she hardly understood, they were finally back.

Moblit could instantly see the change of mood in Azura as she waited. The little girl was still as stoic as ever, though her short legs swung gently back and forth as she sat at the table in Hange's office. Her eyes were locked onto the door intently as if she looked away it would vanish. Hange's assistant couldn't help but smile at this.

A faint clicking of heels could be heard in the hallway. One step after another it sounded nearer and nearer and it stopped right outside the room. The doorknob was turned and the door was opened by the owner of the office.

It was obvious that Hange was tired by her movements and the bags under her eyes. As she looked up her eyes widened at the sight of Mobilt and Azura. "Moblit, I'm sorry, but could you take her to another room for right now?"

"Huh? What do you mean? You said that you'd meet us here when you come back," the man responded with confusion spread across his face.

"I know it's just-"

She was cut off by another person walking in. Azura froze as she stared at him. Eren stood, or rather wobbled, there. His face was littered with scrapes along with one large cut. The cut ran across his left cheek and it trickled blood, the drops slowly dripping down to his chin where it fell to the floor. His right hand was holding his left arm, which had twisted the wrong way and his shirt was stained with bloodstains, some of it his and some not.

Azura sat there wide-eyed, her heart rate increasing and her whole body trembling in the chair. As the little girl tried to breathe in it felt as though her throat was clogged.


She could hear someone shouting her name, though she couldn't see much with the dark spots covering her vision. Soon it completely blinded Azura and everything went dark and silent.

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